
The Sinological Society of Japan

List of articles carried by the Bulletin of the Sinological Society of Japan

| No.1  | No.2  | N0.3  | N0.4  | No.5 
| N0.6  | No.7  | No.8  | No.9  | No.10
| No.11 | No.12 | No.13 | No.14 | No.15  
| No.16 | N0.17 | No.18 | No.19 | No.20
| No.21 | No.22 | No.23 | No.24 | No.25  
| No.26 | No.27 | No.28 | No.29 | No.30
| No.31 | No.32 | No.33 | No.34 | No.35 
| No.36 | No.37 | No.38 | No.39 | No.40
| No.41 | No.42 | No.43 | No.44 | No.45  
| No.46 | No.47 | No.48 | No.49 | No.50
| No.51 | No.52 | No.53 | No.54 | No.55
| No.56 | No.57 | No.58 | No.59 | No.60
| No.61 | No.62 | No.63 | No.64 | No.65
| No.66 | No.67 | No.68 | No.69 | No.70
| No.71 | No.72 | No.73 | No.74 | No.75
| No.76

No.1 1949

Foreword to the First Issue
Takeshiro Kuraishi : New Literary Movement and Its Means Expression
Takashi Watanabe : Some Aspects of Ko(客)in Chan-Kuo(戰國)Period
Wataru Honda : Observations on Hui-ming(會盟),or the Pledging in Chun-chiu Period
Usaburo Imai : Observations on the Preface written by Cheng-I-chuan(程伊川)the Author of I-chuan(易傳)
Kengo Araki : On the Chu-tzu(朱子)’s Philosophy of Practice
Katsumi Yamada : On the Discovery of a Passage of Lun-yu-shih-wen(論語釋文)
Akiyasu Todo : Some Phonological Characteristics of Ancient Chinese

No.2 1950

Joken Kato : Studies in the Surnames Wu 呉,Hsu 許,Lu 呂 and Blood-name Chiang姜
Suetoshi Ikeda : An Etymological Note on the Character Ssu 死
Teruo Takeuchi : An Interpretation of the Word Shen-shih 紳士
Tsutomu Rai : On the Variation of Tones in Chinese
Rokuro Shiba : An Inquiry into the Classifications of the Sentences quoted in Li-Shan’s Wen-Hsuan Commentary 李善文選注
Yuji Ami : From Fu 賦 to Shih 詩 : a Contribution to Chinese Literary History
Makoto Mekada : The Circle of Court Poets in the Early Tang Dynasty
Kengo Araki : Reality and Actuality explained from Chung-yung 中庸 and Avatamaka-Sutra
Kenji Tanaka : On the Credibility of the Various Hsi-Hsiang-Chi 西廂記 Texts
Kojun Fukui : A sinological Study of the Biography of Prince Shotoku 聖徳太子
Hyozaburo Ota : The Poetics in the Six-Dynasties-Period and the Preface to Kokinshu古今集

No.3 1951

Eiichi Kimura : A Study of Laotze’s Tao Te Ching 老子道徳經 ― Some Suggestion on the Reconstruction of a Classical Text ―
Akira Ohama : Name (名―ming) and Substance (實―schi)― On the Moh-Ching 墨經 and Chuang-tsu 莊子 ―
Kiyoshi Akatsuka : On the Origin and Development of Songs Accompanied by Ritual Dance in Ancient China
Katsumi Yamada : An Etymological Research on the Word Chih Mei Wang Liang 螭鬽罔兩
Shigeru Okamura : A Supplement and Revision of Lei 雷 and Chang’s 張 Notes on Shen Yueh’s 沈約 Chiao-chu Fu 郊居賦
Toshiro Shigesawa : A Rationalism in Tang 唐 Dynasty, in Liu Tsung-yuan 柳宗元
Mareo Nakazawa : On the Kuo-hsiu-chi 國秀集
Yasutaka Fumoto : On the Learning for King, Advocated by Fan Tsu-yu 范祖禹 of the Sung 宋 Dynasty
Yasuji Ichikawa : “Thing”and“Facts”in Chu-Hsi 朱子 Philosophy
Tamaki Ogawa : On the Auther of Shui-hu-chuan 水滸傳
Hajime Yagisawa : A Biographical Study of Chen Yu-chiao 陳與郊

No.4 1952

Akiyasu Todo : The Substitutes in Archaic Chinese
Kojiro Yoshikawa : Parallelism in Lao-tzu
Ichiro Sato : The Theories of Translation in Ancient China
Masakazu Takagi : The Formation of‘lu-shi’律詩 in Liu-Chao or the Six dynasties
Usaburo Imai : On「無極而太極」
Toshimizu Goto : The Self-awakening of the Absolute Free Ego in Chu-tzu
Masatsugu Kusumoto : The Idea of「全體大用」
Mitsuo Kondo : Scientific Idea of the Classicists in the Ching Dynasty(17C.―19C.)
Yukihiko Yuasa : The Claims for Emancipation of Women in the Ching Dynasty―Li-chiao 禮教 and Human Nature

No.5 1953

Sakae Takeda : A study of the Relationship between Shih-ching and Chu poetry
Shizuo Minakami : An Essay on the Origin of the Legendary Tradition about Sour Fruits
Shizuo Yamashita : On the Determination of the Fundamental Measure to compute the Time of Completion of Shih-i 十翼 of Chou-i 周易
Osamu Kanaya : On Nei-pien 内篇 of Chuang-tzu 莊子
Kyogen Sato : On the Pan-Hanism in Wang Chuang 王充
Michio Uchida : Some Characteristics of the Interrogative Sentence in Middle Chinese
Nobuyoshi Otsuki : Chu-tzu’s Attitude in the Variorum Edition of the Four Books
Hideo Iwaki : On the Function of Wu 呉 Dialect in Nan-hsi 南戲
Kazue Hama : Hei-nu-Yu-tien-lu 黒奴籲天録,viz.,Uncle Tom’s Cabin, played by Chun-liu-she 春柳社

No.6 1954

Suetoshi Ikeda : On the Etymological Identity of“屋漏”(Wu-Lon) and “中霤”(Chung-Liu) ―The Former Structure of the Ancestral Mausoleums in China as Seen in the Shih-Ching(詩經)and the Li-Chi(禮記)―
Shizuo Amano : The World of Chuang-Tzu(莊子)
Masao Seki : The Background of Shen-Mieh-Lun(神滅論)in the Age of the Six Dynasties
Michio Uchida : The Formation of Grotesque(志怪)Stories
Yoshitaka Iriya : Folk Arts in the Northern Sung (concluded)
Kengo Araki : Problems concerning Chu-Tzu’s Ko-Wu Doctrine(朱子格物論)
Tamaki Ogawa : From Pien-Wen(變文)to the Historical Romance―The Earlier Stage of the Chinese Colloquial Novels
Akiyasu Todo : Outline of the Phonemical Systems of the Pekinese, Old Mandarin,Ancient Chinese and Archaic Chinese

No.7 1955

Tatsuo Anazawa : A Study of Lao-tzu(老子)’s Cosmology(生成論)
Seiichi Onozawa : The Meaning of Chu(主) in the Tso-Chuan(左傳) and the Social Structure of the Chun-chiu(春秋) Period
Chiaki Nakajima : Li-sao(離騷)’s Mode of Expression
Usaburo Imai : The Formation of the Lu-chia-chi-tsung-lun(六家七宗論)
Tomihiko Funadzu : Some Doubts concerning the Existing Edition of the Shih-shih(詩式)
Takuichi Kinami : The Standpoints of Lu-hsiang-shan(陸象山) and Chu-hsi(朱熹)―Freedom and Norm―
Michio Uchida : On the Rhetorical Question(Fan-hua-wen) of the Chines Language
Tadashi Matsushita : On the Literary Theories of Sorai(徂徠) and His Followers
Kadzue Hama : On the Relationship between Kumadori(隈取) and Lien-pu(臉譜)

No.8 1956

Tadashi Akatsuka : Meaning of the“Lu-shih chun-chiu”(呂氏春秋)from the point of view of the History of Thought
Shizuo Yamashita : New Study on the“Wen-yen-chuan”(文言傳)
Kenju Tokiwai : Study on the Origin and Development of the“Ta-tai-li”(大戴禮)and the“Hsiao-tai-li”(小戴禮)
Osamu Kanaya : On the Concept of“Ming”(命)of Confucius and Mencius -Human nature and its limitation-
Masakazu Fujikawa : Studies of Mourning Rites during the“Wei”(魏)and “Chin”(晉)Dynasties
Toyoji Sugiura : Studies of the text of“Lun-yu chi-chieh”(論語集解) in the Hosa Library ―with reference to the text of Nakahara School―
Ryuji Yamashita : Introduction to“Wang Lung-chi”(王龍溪)
Hajime Yagisawa : “Li Kai-hsien”(李開先)and his Plays
Hisao Kawaguchi : The“Tun-huang pien-wen”(敦煌變文)and their influence on Japanese Literature,with special reference to “Mu-lien pien-wen”(目蓮變文)and“Hsiang-mo pien-wen”(降魔變文)
Mitsuo Kondo : On the“Chu-yuan-fu-chu”(屈原賦注)

No.9 1957

Kumaichiro Uchino : Views on Ching Hsueh 經學 during the beginning and middle periods of the Chinese Republic
Takayuki Tanida : On mourner’s hair dressing custom in ancient China
Taku Yamada : Styles of Kung-yang chuan 公羊傳 and Ku-liao chuan 穀梁傳 and constructions of writings of chuan 傳
Chiaki Nakajima :       On lun 論 and fu 賦 of Yuan Chi 阮籍
Yasuhide Niimi : Nature and Value of interpretation note in the old manuscripts of Lun-yu 論語 which have been handed down from the old times in Japan
Takuichi Kinami : A study of Meng-tzu ku-i 孟子古義 ―The basis of the studies of Jinsai Ito and the standpoint of the philosophy during the Sung dynasty―
Taneshige Harada : A study on the old traditional manuscripts of Chen-kuan cheng-yao 貞觀政要 in Japan
Tadashi Matsushita : The theory of Hsing Ling 性靈 in the early Edo period
Masafumi Ito : Poetic theory of the Middle Tang
Eigoro Kezuka : Contradictions of Yuan chuang-lang 袁中郎

No.10 1958

Kiyotaka Hoshikawa : The Tradition of Chu-tzu 楚辭
Naoaki Maeno : Polarity in Ming and Ching Theories of Novels
Ichiro Sato : A study of Lun-yu 論語 Book XIX(TSU-CHANG-PIEN)子張篇
Seiichi Onozawa : The Meaning of Shih 室 Used in Tso-chuan 左傳 and the Property in the Age of Chun-chiu 春秋
Taku Yamada : On the Making of Ku-liang-chuan 穀梁傳
Masao seki :  Wang Bih’s 王弼 Concept of Nothingness
Shohachi Nakamura : Importation and Value as Source of Wu-hsing-ta-i 五行大義
Wataru Honda : Wang-Yu-cheng 王禹偁 ―As a link in the history of ideas in Sung 宋 Dynasty―
Miyoshi Yamane : The Meaning of Chuan 權 in Chu-tzu’s 朱子 Ethical Thought
Ryuji Yamashita : On the Development of the Thought of Wang-Yang-ming 王陽明
Seiji Sato : Kang-Yu-wei’s 康有爲 Philosophy:an Introduction

No.11 1959

Joken Kato : A study of Yun Ko 允格 and Chuan Hsu 顓頊
Suetoshi Ikeda : On the System of Miao 廟―The Limitation in the Number of Miaos―
Kojun Fukui : A Study of Lao-tzu Tao-te-ching Hsu-chueh 老子道徳經序訣
Hiroshi Egashira : A Study of tzu 字,the Second Personal Name
Kumaichiro Uchino : On the Two Types of Orthography in the War Period 戰國時代
Shizuo Amano: On the Characteristic of the Lieh-tzu 列子
Toyosaburo Toda : On the Making of Tuan 彖 and Chi 繫 of Chou-i 周易
Toshihiko Uchiyama : On the Confucian Studies in Chien-han 前漢 and its Mystical Tendency with Special Reference to the Theory of Yin-yang 陰陽 and Wu-hsing五行
Seiichi Uno : On Some Aspects of the Studies of Li 禮 in the Southern and Northern Period 南北朝
Akiyasu Todo : Problems of Go-on 呉音 and Kan-on 漢音―Original Feature of Sino-Japanese―
Kojiro Yoshikawa : Chien Chien-i 錢謙益 and the Tung-lin Party: Chien Chien-i as a Statesman
Wang Yu-te : Influence of the Literary Revolution in Formosa

No.12 1960

HIBARA Toshikuni : Development of Studies on the Chun-chiu 春秋 by the Kun-Yang School 公洋學 in the Han Dynasty
FUJIWARA Takao : A Study on Two Schools of Annotators of the Canon of Confucianism in Chiang-nan 江南
HARADA Taneshige : Mixture of the Sung Edition in the Sugawara Family’s Text of the Chen-kuan Cheng-yao 貞觀政要
NAKANO Miyoko : Poems Form from the Desert Without the Great Wall by Tsen Tsan 岑參
TOMOEDA Ryutaro : The Structure of the Theory of Ko-wu of Chu-tzu 朱子 ―the Emancipation from Chan-Hsueh 禪學 and the Establishment of its Intellectual Position―
SUZUKI Shuji, IKKAI Tomoyoshi: Feng Wei-no 馮惟訥 and his Shih-Chi 詩紀
ARAKI Kengo : Kuan Tung-ming 管東溟
YAMANOI Yu : Characters of the Meng-tzu Tzu-i Su-cheng 孟子字義疏證
ONO Shinobu, ONOYE Kanehide, MARUYAMA Noboru: Foot-Print of a Magazine, the Renaissance 新潮
HIRAYAMA Hisao: On the Rule of Correspondence between Ancient Chinese Ru-Sheng and Modern Pekinese Tones
NAKAMURA Shohachi : Newly Discovered Materials of the I-sho 緯書 Fragments in Japan

No.13 1961

MIZUKAMI Shizuo : Mulberry Tree Worship
KURIHARA Keisuke : The Ceremonial Significance of the Yu-chi 虞祭
YASUI Kozan : Some Consideration on the Theory of Generation on the I-shu 緯書
KIMURA Eiichi : On the Poetry of Han-shan 寒山
Li Hsien-chang : The Birth and Spread of Ma-tsu 媽祖 Worship and its Effects
MATSUSHITA Tadashi : The idea of Tiao-chi(調劑 Mixture or Preparation)in the theory of Literature of Wang Shih-chen 王世貞
ONOYE Kanehide : Lu Hsun 魯迅 and Nietzsche
IIDA Kichiro: On the Value of the Pao-hsiao-la-ti-tu-ti 咆哮了的土地 in the Literature of Chiang Kuang-tzu 蒋光慈
TODO Akiyasu : The Correct Meanings of Words Used in Chinese Classics
YAMAGUCHI Kakutaka : Japanese Rendering of Chinese Characters in Ancient Japanese Documents and Epigraphs Written in Chinese Character
ABE Yoshio : Social Status of Confucian Scholars in the Edo 江戸 Period

No.14 1962

MITARAI Masaru : The Kun-Lun(崑崙)Legend and the Eternal Return ― An Ethnological Observation on the Thought of Ancient China―
NOMURA Shigeo : A Treatise on the Yu-Kung(禹貢)
AMANO Shizuo : An Essay on the Chapter Tsi-wu lun(齊物論)in the Chuang-tsu(莊子): Concerning the Text-adjustment
HIHARA Toshikuni : Introductory Remarks on the Study of the Po-hu tung-i(白虎通義)―Especially centering about the Rite System―
KONISHI Noboru : On Various Opinions concerning the Dance of Chi-pann(七盤舞)
FUJIKAWA Masakazu : Concerning the System of the Mourning-dress(喪服) observed for the Sovereign by the State-minister during the Wei(魏)and Chin (晉)Periods
HAYASHIDA Shinnosuke : A Study on Yen Chih-tui(顔之推): His Life and View of Literature
SUZUKI Shuji : On the Technique of the Repetitive Expression in the Poetry of the Early Tang(唐)
MURAKAMI Tetsumi : An Observation on the Musical Piece of‘I-shang yu-i’ (霓裳羽衣曲)
TAMORI Noboru : On the Attitude of the Literary Men of the Yuan(元) Period towards the‘Yueh-fu’(樂府)
HIRAYAMA Hisao : How to Comprehend Irregular‘Fan-chies’(反切)in Chie-yun Kuang-yun(切韻廣韻)―Taking 爲,支切 as an Examples

No.15 1963

YAMADA Katsumi : An Etymological Interpretation of“Xiao Xian,小鮮”
TANIDA Takayuki : On the Order of Succession Observed in the Section of“Sangfu-pien”(喪服篇)of the I-Li,儀禮
OGATA Nobuo : Various Aspects of“Chiang-ssu,強死”in the Spring and Autumn Period
MACHIDA Saburo : “Qing-zhong pian”(輕重篇)in Guan-zi,管子
TAKEJI Sadao : On the Particle“Hsi,兮”in the Chu-tzu,楚辭
UCHIYAMA Toshihiko : Nature and Man in the Thought of the Han Era
KONISHI Noboru : Poetry of the Yueh-fu(樂府)in the Han Era and Society of“Yu-hsieh,遊俠”
OKAMURA Shigeru :  Genealogy of the“Ching-tan,清談”and its Meaning
KINAMI Norio : Life and Thought of Yen Yen-chih,顔延之
TOMOEDA Ryutaro : The Compilation of the Chu-tzu yu-lei,朱子語類
TODA Toyosaburo : On the Ku Chou-i, 古周易by Wu Tou-nan,呉斗南
KEZUKA Eigoro : A Doubt about the Personal Criticism on Fang Hui,方回
KOSAKA Jun-ichi : On the Composition of the Chiu-ming-chi-yuan,九命奇冤
OTA Tatsuo : Manchu Language in the Literature of the Ching,清 Dynasty
YAMAGUCHI Kakutaka : The Shogaku-hen,小學篇 and the Kango-sho,漢語抄

No.16 1964

IKEDA Suetoshi : The Growth of Religious Rites for the Supreme God in China
MIKAMI Jun : A Reconsideration of the Ruins of Yin-Shang
AKATSUKA Kiyoshi : ‘Wen Wang’文王 and‘Ssu Chi’思齊 in the Book of Odes Their Dates and Significance in the Spiritual History of Ancient China
AMANO Shizuo : An Emendation of the‘Discourse on the Explanation of Change’通變論 in Kung-sun Lung Tzu 公孫龍子
FUJIKAWA Masakazu : The Prohibition of Mourning for the High Officials in the Han Era
YOSHIOKA Yoshitoyo : The Significance of‘The elect’in Taoism during the Six Dynasties Era
KATAOKA Masao : Four Basic Types of Symbolic Use of the Phrase “Flowing Water”
KOMORI Ikuko : The Ideas of Tao Yuan-ming 陶淵明
NISHINO Teiji : Su Tung-po 蘇東坡:The Sources of his Style
MAENO Naoaki : Literary Archaism in the Ming Era
IWAKI Hideo : The Chinese Drama in the Ming Dynasty Era
TODO Akiyasu : Some Features of Old Mandarin in the Ming Era

No.17 1965

NOMURA Shigeo : Some Considerations in the Inheritance of Shang-shu 尚書 in the Period of Pre-Chin
SAWADA Takio : A Preliminary Consideration on Yangsheng-theory 養生説 in Pre-Chin Age
UCHINO Kumaichiro : Ideal Human Image Inscriptions on the Grave Stones and Chapel Stone Walls in the Late Han Dynasty
MASUDA Kiyohide : The Performance of Ku-chui chu 鼓吹曲 in Han,Wei, and Early Chin Periods
HAYASHIDA Shinnosuke : Position of Chang Hua 張華 in the Literature of Wei,Chin and Southern Dynasties
ISHIKAWA Tadahisa : Tao Yuan-ming’s 陶淵明 Seclusion
YOSHIKAWA Kojiro : The Literary Merit of Han-kung-chiu 漢宮秋
SANO Koji : The Idea of‘I-hsing ko-ming’易姓革命 in the Ming-i tai-fang lu 明夷待訪録
TANAKA Issei : A Study on Local Plays in Early Ching Era
SAKADE Yoshinobu : The Appreciation of Western Logic at the End of Ching Dynasty
HSU Chang-an : An Advocacy of Revolutionary Change in Late Ching Poetry as seen in the Yin-ping-shih Shih-hua 飲冰室詩話
HATANO Taro : Repeated Contribution on Chinese Demonstrative Word ‘che’這
TODO Akiyasu : The History of Kiang Tribe 羌族 and its Language ―About the Origin of the Sino-Tibetan Language―

No.18 1966

SHIMA Kunio : The Yin Calendar As Expressed in Oracle Inscriptions ―Some Remarks on Tung Tso-pin’s Yin-li-pu 殷暦譜―
MIZUKAMI Shizuo : On the Character Yueh 樂
TANIDA Takayuki : A Study of kinship Order in Ancient China
KIMURA Eiichi : On Confucius’s Tour in China
NITTA Daisaku : An Investigation of “One, Two and Three” in the Lao-tzu 老子; based on the Theory of Numbers in Ancient China
OKAMURA Shigeru : On the Relation between Chu-tzu 楚辭 and Chu Yuan 屈原
OMURO Mikio : On the Logical Thought in the Hsun-tzu 荀子 ―its Structure, Substance and Function―
SATO Kyogen : Wang Chung’s 王充 Ideal Human Image in Lun-heng 論衡
MEKADA Makoto : “Tzujan 自然” Nature in Chinese Literary Thought ―In Relation with an Evaluation of the Poetry in Six Dynasties―
TOGAWA Yoshio : The Political Thought of Kuo Hsiang 郭象 and His Annotations on Chuan-tzu 莊子注
TAKEJI Sadao : The Authorship of Chu-tzu Shih-wen 楚辭釋文
UCHIYAMA Chinari : Hsu Yao-tso 許堯佐 and His Short Story
SATO Hitoshi : The Chronology“Nienpu”年譜 of Chu-tzu 朱子 Compiled by Li Mo李默 ―In Relation to the Trend by the Academic World of the Ming Era―
ARAKI Kengo : On the Thought of the Late Ming Era as Revealed in the Attempts at Harmony between Confucianism and Buddhism
OKUNO Shintaro : Water and Flame Lore ―One Aspect of the Making of Hsi-yu-chi 西遊記―
MATSUSHITA Tadashi : The Relation Between Yuan Mei 袁枚 and the Poetical Theory Advocated by Soin Nakajima ―An Examples of Genealogy in the Theory of Hsing Ling 性靈―

No.19 1967

KATO Joken : ON yu-chu 玉燭,ya-chou-shih 爻肘史,and yu-heng 玉衡
IKEDA Suetoshi : Infidelity to Heaven in the Early Chou Period ―Its Bearing on the History of Religions Thought―
AKATSUKA Kiyoshi : A Treatise regarding Hou-chi 后稷 and Lieh-tzu 列子
KIMURA Eiichi : On Hsueh-erh-pien 學而篇(the Book of Learning)of the Analects of Confucius 論語
HIROHATA Sukeo : A Study of The Picure of“Fu-hsi 伏羲 and Nu-wa 女媧”Drawn on the Stone Wall of Wu Liang’s 武梁 Shrine
EGASHIRA Hiroshi : Problems on the Kinship System in“Bronze Inscription”
TANAKA Toshiaki : Some Consideration on the Chi 記 of the Yi-li 儀禮 ―A Study on the Wu-wei-han-chien 武威漢簡Text―
ANAZAWA Tatsuo : On the Idea of Natural(Non-Active)“Tien”in the Chuang-tzu 莊子
NAKAJIMA Chiaki : On Ssu-chiu-fu 思舊賦 by Hsiang Hsiu 向秀
HAYASHIDA Shinnosuke : Some Problems in the Principles of literature in Wen-hsin-tiao-lung 文心雕龍 ―In Special Reference of Liu Hsieh’s 劉勰 Idea of Beauty―
YAMANE Mitsuyoshi : On the Unity of Heaven and Man in Chang Heng- chu’s 張横渠 Thought
UCHIYAMA Toshihiko : An Introduction to the Study of Wang AN-shih’s 王安石 Thought
MATSUKAWA Kenji : A Preliminary Essay on Fang Hsio-ju 方孝孺
NIEDA Tadashi : On Chin-hsiu-tuan 錦繡段
HATANO Taro : A Critique on Hsiao-e 小額,A Short Social Story at the Close of the Ching Dynasty
TODO Akiyasu : Some Notes about the Words which mean“Two”

No.20 1968

TANIDA Takayuki : A Study on the Representation in Tso-Chuan 左傳
AKATSUKA Kiyoshi : The Theoretical Development of Taoism in the Kuan- tzu 管子 and the Chuang-tzu 莊子
CHIBA Hitoshi : An Essay on the Origin of Mo-tzu’s 墨子 Thoughts ―His Theories Mutual-benevolence 兼愛論 and Non-aggression 非攻論―
NITTA Taisaku : On a Factor that Promoted an Art of Account in Old China ―Military Management and Account―
YASUI Kozan : The Development of Tales of Mysterious Birth of Emperors 感生帝説 and the Thoughts in the Wei-shu 緯書
OBI Koichi : Poetry on Nature by Hsieh Ling-yun 謝靈運
FUKUI Fumimasa-Bunga : On the Concept and Traditional Interpretations of Ching-tan 清談
MORINO Shigeo : The Literary Groups in the Liang 梁 Period ―Chiefly on prince Kang’s 綱 Group―
HAYASHIDA Shinnosuke : Some Thoughts on the Tiao-chung-lun 雕蟲論 by Pei Tzu-yeh 裴子野 ―A Restorative Theory of Literature in the Six Dynasties Period―
HIRAYAMA Hisao : On the mimimal pairs between the puredental initials (舌頭音) and the palatalized dental initials(舌上音)in Ancient Chinese
KAMIO Ryusuke : Tu Hsun-ho’s 杜荀鶴 Poetry
TANAKA Kenji : Notes on Yuan-pen(院本)
ABE Yoshio : Li Tui-chi’s 李退溪 Tzu-sheng-lu 自省録 Quoted by Japanese Confucians in the Edo 江戸 Period
SHIRAKI Naoya : A Study of the Two Editions of the Shui-hu-chuan 水滸傳 in Japan ―Chiefly on the Edition Which Belongs to the Mukyu-kai 無窮會―
SATO Shinji : The Development of Kang Yu-wei’s 康有爲 Thoughts
HASHIMOTO Takamasa : Chang Ping-lin’s 章炳麟 Principles of Confucian Conducts

No.21 1969

MITARAI Masaru : On the Traditional Story of Emperor Yao(堯)
SUZUKI Kiichi : Some Problems Concerning Confucius’(孔夫子)Life
NEMOTO Makoto : On the Concept of the“Correspondence”of the Thought in the Chinese classics
FUJIWARA Takashi : The View of Man in the Hsi-cheng-fu(西征賦)
MORINO Shigeo : The Literary Groups and Individual Writers in the Liang (梁)Period(2) ―Wu Chun(呉均)―
SAKAI Kenichi : Some Sounds Suggesting in the Lun-yu shih-wen(論語釋文) ―Inserted in the Rongo-Shohon(論語抄本)in the Kiyoharas(清原家)―
KUROKAWA Yoichi : The Buddhistic Trend in Tu Fu(杜甫)
KANAYA Osamu : The Theory of Heaven by Liu Yu-hsi(劉禹錫)
WANG Yu-te : The Development of Fu-kien(福建)and the Establishment of Fu-kien(福建)Dialect
NAKANO Miyoko : On the Shuang-chi tsui-yin chi(雙溪醉隱集)of Yeh-lu Chu(耶律鑄):pater et filius
CHUBACHI Masakazu : The Antagonistic Feelings against the Aliens Recognized in the Shui-hu-chuan(水滸傳)
SHIGA Ichiro : Wang Yang-ming(王陽明)and Chan Kan-chuan(湛甘泉)
IWAKI Hideo : Shen Ching(沈璟),a Dramatist ―His Argument with Tang Hsien-tsu(湯顯祖)―
FUNATSU Tomihiko : The Literary Thoughts of Wang Fu-chih(王夫之)
KIMISHIMA Hisako : The Stories of“Heavenly Maiden’s Robes”in China
SHIRAKI Naoya : Takizawa Bakin’s(瀧澤馬琴)View of the Suiko-den(水滸傳) ―The Comparative Study of Various Editions of the Suiko-den―

No.22 1970

SUZUKI Kiichi : Confucius’ theory of knowledge
TAKEJI Sadao : A Study of quotations from Chu-tzu(楚辭)in Old books ―My verification of lacunas in the actual literature―
OZAKI Yujiro : On the arrangement of rhymes of Chieh-yun’s(切韻)Rhyme Dictionary
KAWAGUCHI Hisao : Tun-huang Pen Lei-lin(敦煌本類林)and Japanese Literature
YAMANE Mitsuyoshi : On Chang-tsu’s(張子)Li(禮)-doctrine
IMAI Usaburo : On Two Yung(用)of Chien(乾)and Kun(坤)
TANAKA Issei : A Study on Local Plays in Fu-chien(福建)through the Period of the South Sung(南宋)Dynasty
YAMANOI Yu : The Meanings of hsin chi li(心即理),chi-hsing ho-i(知行 合一)and chih liang-chih(致良知) ―The peculiarity of the doctrine of Yang-ming(陽明)―
CHUBACHI Masakazu : On the latter half of Shui-hu-chuan(水滸傳)
HASHIMOTO Takashi : Downfall of Han Hsin(韓信) ―From Chuan-hsiang hsu chien-han-shu ping-hua(全相續前漢書平話)to Hsi-han tung-su-yen-yi(西漢通俗演義)―
GOTO Nobuko : The thought of Li Ta-chao(李大釗)in his transitional stage ―On reformation both in material and moral―

No.23 1971

TANIDA Takayuki : A Study on the appointment of the heir as seen in “Tso-chuan”(左傳)
OKAMURA Sadao : On the genuine poems by Tsai Yen(蔡琰)
SUZUKI Shuji : On the poems of Tu Fu(杜甫)in his Chin-chou (秦州)days
UCHIYAMA Toshihiko : Liu Chih-chi’s(劉知幾)thought on history
YAMAGUCHI Kakutaka : A collection of missing quotations from “Chang Fang’s Chieh Yun”(蒋魴切韻)
NAKATSUHAMA Wataru : On Wu Ching’s(呉兢)“Yueh-fu ku-ti yao- chieh”(樂府古題要解)
MURAKAMI Tetsumi : My apprehension of‘Tzu’(詞)and various terms applied to it
MIURA Kunio : On“Tzu-chih-tung-chien”(資治通鑑)
SANO Koji : On Wang Hsin-chai(王心齋)
ARAKI Kengo : On Nieh Shuang-chiang’s(聶雙江)thought
SHIRAKI Naoya : A Study of“Chung Po-ching pi-ping Ssu-chih-kuan” (鍾伯敬批評四知館)text ―Various printed books of“Shui-hu-chuan”(水滸傳)―
GOTO Nobuko : A question of harmony between Confucianism and modern Western civilization

No.24 1972

HIHARA Toshikuni : The Glorification of Chivalrous Spirit in Chun chiu kung yang chuan(『春秋公羊傳』)
KUBUKI Shigehiro : Development of the idea of Law in the Period of the Chronicles of Lu
KAWASAKI Takaharu : On the Chapter of 尚賢論 of Mo tzu(『墨子』) ―The period of Its Composition―
KODAMA Rokuro : An Interpretation of the Word “天養” in Hsuntzu (荀子)
KIMURA Eiichi : The Young Brilliant Minds of Confucius’ School ―Tzu-yu(子游),Tzu-hsia(子夏),Tzu-chang(子張),and Tseng-tzu(曾子)―
NAKAZIMA Ryuzo : Chang Chan(張湛)’s Thoughts
FURUTA Keiichi : The Use of Parallelism in Hsieh Tiao(謝朓)
KOZEN Hiroshi : Yen shih(豔詩)Poetry and Shen Yueh(沈約)
KOMINAMI Ichiro : On the Hsi-ching tsa-chih(『西京雜記』)
OTA Tatsuo : Formation of the Text of the Hsi yu chi(『西遊記』)
ABE Kenya : Class-consciousness Reflected in the Characters of the Shui hu chuan(『水滸傳』)
YAGISAWA Hajime : On Chu Hsien-chieh(朱憲),a Clan-Chief Dramatist of the Ming(明)Dynasty
HSU Chang-an : On the Kajin-no-Kigu(『佳人奇遇』)Appeared in the Fourth Number of the Ching i pao(『清議報』)
ENDO Mitsumasa : Books of Chinese Maxims Compiled in the Heian Period in Japan
TAKAHASHI Masakazu : Baien Miura(三浦梅園)and Natural Science of the Ming(明)and Ching(清)Dynasties

No.25 1973

TANIDA Takayuki : A Study on Po(伯),Chung(仲),Shu(叔)and Chi(季) in Ancient China ―In Connection with“Class”System of Marriage―
TAGAMI Yasuaki : The Peculiarity of the Historical Description in the Chun chiu tso shih chuan(春秋左氏傳)
―With Special Reference to the 18 Ladies Who Were Married to Lu-kung (魯公)s―
SUNAYAMA Minoru : Tan yao (曇曜) and the Chung tu san mei ching (淨土三昧經) ―As an Aid to the Understanding of Buddhism in East Asia―
OBI Koichi : A Supplement to the Yen tieh chiao chuan lu chao wen (嚴鐵橋全六朝文) ―With Regard to the Prose Works in the Period of the Chi(齊)and Liang (梁)Dynasties―
OKAMURA Sadao : On Liang wu ti(梁武帝)’s Yueh-fu Poetry(樂府詩)
TAKASHIMA Toshio : On the Formation of the Regulated Five-Word Verse(五言律詩) ―Chiefly from the Viewpoint of the Ping tse(平仄)―
UCHIYAMA Chinari : On the Chao-yeh chien-tsai(朝野僉載)
SAITO Midori : On the Cheng-mo(正末),or Cheng-tan(正旦)
SHIRAKI Naoya : A Study of the Shui-hu-chuan-chuan(一百二十囘水滸全傳) ―With Fa-fan(發凡)as a Starting Point―
GOTO Nobuko : Kang Yu-wei(康有爲)and His Kung-chiao(孔教)Theory
TAKEUCHI Hiroyuki : Kang Yu-wei(康有爲)’s Ta tung san shih shuo (大同三世説)
TETSUI Yoshinori : The Myths of Hiruko and Hinokagutsuchi As Compared with Some Ancient Myths in China
HIROHATA Sukeo : A Study of the Formation of Takami-musubi(高皇産靈),Founder of the Imperial Family
MATSUSHITA Tadashi : On Nankai Gion(祇園南海)’s Age at Death and His Ichiya Hyakushu(一夜百首)

No.26 1974

SHIMA Kunio : The Significance of the Twelve Signs’ 十二支 Order
SUZUKI Ryuichi : A Study of Ching-tien 井田 System
KODAMA Rokuro : A Proposal to the Theory of Hsun-tzu 荀子 on Human Nature,“The Hsing-po 性朴 Theory”
HIHARA Toshikuni : The Logic and Ethics of the Revenge
ITO Hakaru : On Yueh-ling 月令―Study of Some Forms of Yueh-ling―
TANAKA Masami : On the View of Nature in the Han Dynasty ―With Special Regard to Tung Chung-shu’s 董仲舒 Doctrine―
SHIRAKI Naoya : Study in the Shui-hu chuan-chuan of 120 Chapters 一百二十囘水滸全傳 ―On its so called Li Cho-wu’s 李卓吾 Comment―
SANO Koji : The Intellectual Trends in the First Half of the Ming Dynasty
OGAWA Shoichi : The Attitude of the Political Criticism into the Poems in Tang China
OTA Tatsuo : Language in the Erh-nu ying-hsiung chuan 兒女英雄傳
GOTO Nobuko : Li Ta-chao’s 李大釗 Early Thoughts
Hung Shun-lung : Misgivings in Hsieh Tiao’s 謝朓 Works
OGAWA Haruhisa : Dualism of the Tung-chi 通幾 Philosophy in Fang Kung-chao 方孔炤 and Fang I-chih 方以智

No.27 1975

TANIDA Takayuki : A Study on the Matrilateral Cross-cousin Marriage in Ancient China
KURIHARA Keisuke : Prohibition of Consanguineous Marriage by Law in Ancient China
INOI Makoto : Function and Treatment of Fish Symbols Used in the Shih-ching 詩經
TAGAMI Yasuaki : Method and Thought of the Chun-chiu Tso-shih chuan 春秋左氏傳
SEKIGUCHI Jun : The Pitched Battle(戰)in the Chun-chiu 春秋 Period and its Afterimage
IKEDA Tomohisa : On Knowledge in the Chuang-tzu 莊子, Chapter Chi-wu-lun 齊物論
KAWASAKI Takaharu : Development of the Mo-chia 墨家 in the Latter Days of the Warring States
FUJII Mamoru : The Yueh-fu 樂府 of Hsieh Ling-yun 謝靈運
OSHIMA Akira : On the Philosophy of Tai-hsu-chi-Chi 大虚即氣 Formulated by Chang Heng-chu 張横渠
IWAKI Hideo : How Speeches in Nan-hsi 南戲 Plays Came to be Written in Parallel Prose
YOSHIDA Kohei : Li Chien-lo(李見羅)’s Philosophy
KONDO Mitsuo : Studies of Tai Chen 戴震 on Chinese Classics
KOBAYASHI Takeshi : The Reformist Principles of Behavior and Existence in the Last Years of the Ching 清 Dynasty as Seen in Kang Yu-wei 康有爲 and Tan Ssu-tung 譚嗣同
HIROHATA Sukeo : Japan’s Creation Myth and Ancient Chinese Philosophy
NIEDA Tadashi : On Yuan-chi-huo-fa 圓機活法
FUJIKAWA Masakazu : Position of MOMO Hakuroku(桃白鹿)’s Tseng-chu 増註 in the History of Annotations on the Fa-yen 法言

No.28 1976

KURIHARA Keisuke : The Formation of the Celebration Idea in the Chun-chiu 春秋 Age
ASANO Yuichi : Reconstruction of Hui Shih 惠施’s Image
KODAMA Rokuro : Natural Destiny by Hsun Kuang 荀況
MACHIDA Saburo : On Liu Hsiang 劉向
OKAMURA Shigeru : The Progress of Late Hou-Han 後漢 Literature through Tsai Yung 蔡邕
CHENG Cheng-hao : About Ho 和 in Chi Kang 康’s Ideas of Music
KUSUYAMA Haruki : A Study of Lao-tzu-chieh-chieh 老子節解
MORISE Toshizo : A Phase of Taoism on Li Ho 李賀
OHTA Tsugio : About the Imperial Family’s copy of Hsin-le-fou 新樂府 by Po Chu-i 白居易
OTSUKA Hidetaka : Hua-pen 話本 and Tung-su-lei-shu 通俗類書
IWAKI Hideo : Commentary on the Wen-chou-tsa-chu 温州雜劇, an Approach to Sung 宋 Drama
CHUBACHI Masakazu : The Materialization of Shen-hsien-tao-hua-chi 神仙道化劇
ARAKI Kengo : Tu Lung 屠隆 and Kuan Chih-tao 管志道
SUTO Yoichi : Tai Ming-shih 戴名世 ―The Contradiction Between Kung 公 and Ssu 私 Their Development―
TAKEUCHI Hiroyuki : Liang Chi-chao 梁啓超 and Shih-chieh-ke-ming 史界革命 ―The Background of Hsin-chih-hsueh 新史學

No.29 1977

KURIHARA Keisuke : The Correlation Between Li 禮 and Yueh 樂; Comprising the Thought and Function of Li
UCHIYAMA Toshihiko : Mencius on Tien 天(Heaven)and Jen 人(Man) ― With Reference to the Relationship  Between His Conception of Nature and His Political Thought―
IKEDA Shuzo : The Thoughts of Fa-Yen 法言
YOSHIDA Kohei : Wang I-an 王一菴’s Thought―Especially on Cheng-i 誠意―
SANO Kozi : The Position of Ssu-shu Ping 四書評 in the Books on Ssu-shu 四書 Near the End of the Ming 明 Dynasty
UEKI Hisayuki : On the Collections Written in the Liu-chao 六朝 Period ―A Bibliographical Study of Lu-yun-chi 陸雲集―
MORINO Shigeo, TOMINAGA Kazuto : On Chao 鈔 Quoted in Wen-hsuan Chi-chu 文選集注
HAYASHIDA Shinnosuke : On the Process of the Formation of the Ku-wen 古文 Movement During the Tang 唐 Dynasty
NOGUCHI Kazuo : A Semantic Study of Liu Yung 柳永’s Chu-li tzu 羈旅詞
OTA Tatsuo : The Tien-chih Ou-wen 天咫偶聞 and Its Author
SAMPO Masami : On Lu Hsun 魯迅’s Chu-kuan 出關
MURATA Toshihiro : The Place of the Novel from Created by Chou Tso-jen 周作人 and Its Literary Significance ―With Special Reference to his Social Novel Ching-tsun Yeh-hua 江村夜話
HANATO Masahiro : A Study of the Ku-chin Yun-hui Chu-yao 古今韻會擧要 ―With Special Reference to Chung-niu 重紐(pairs of initial)―
ENDO Mitsumasa : Introduction to Anthologies and War Chronicles
FUZIKAWA Masakazu : A Study of the Relations Between Liang Chi-hsiung 梁啓雄’s
Hsun-tzu Yueh-chu 荀子約注 and the Annotations by Japanese Confucian―Mainly Based on Textual Materials―
MATSUSHITA Tadashi : Koga Toan 古賀侗菴’s View on Chinese Prose Writing
CHUBACHI Masakazu : The Stories of Men’s Marriages with Goddesses

No.30 1978

TANIDA Takayuki : A Comprehensive Study on Marriage and Kinship System in Ancient China ― with special emphasis on the process of the formation of kinship system as seen in the theory of the Modern Script School on 九族(chiu tsu), or the nine grades of kindred―
KURIHARA Keisuke : The Structural Theory of Intellectualism in the Development of the Ancient Chinese Thought
KANO Yoshimitsu : The Structure of‘the Poems with Paradigmatic Transposition’ ―the fundamental form of the Kuo Feng(國風)Odes in Shih Jing(詩經)―
KAWAHARA Hideki : The Structure of the“Tai hsuan”太玄
TANAKA Masami : On Characteristics of Cheng Hsuan’s 鄭玄 Fa Mo-shou 發墨守 and the other two books
NAKAZIMA Ryuzo : Hsiao Tzu-liang’s 蕭子良 Thought
TANAKA Toshiaki : A Study on the Lun yu bi jie 論語筆解 by Han Yu 韓愈 and Li Ao 李翺
SUGANO Hiroyuki : On the Formation of the Expression Hsueh-Yueh-Hua 雪月花 in the Poetry of Po Chu-i 白居易
OTA Tsugio : On the Ming 明 Edition of the 諷諫本 by Po Chu-i (a Volume Owned by the National Central Library,Taiwan,China)
IWAKI Hideo : Plum-flowers and their Miraculous Power ―Earnest wish of Su Shih 蘇軾 for return to politics―
OTSUKA Hidetaka : The Lu-chuang-hsin-hua 緑窗新話 and the Hsin-hua-chih-tsui 新話摭粹
HAMAGUCHI Fuzio : Fang Tung-shu’s 方東樹 Criticism against the School of Han Learning During the Ching Dynasty
TAKEMURA Noriyuki : The Consciousness of“the fallen-blossoms”落花 appearing in Kung Tzu- chens 龔自珍 poem,the“Chi-hai Tsa-shih”己亥雜詩
HONDA Wataru : Tseng Kuo-fan(曾國藩)’s Philosophy―Chiefly on his Diary―
NAGUMO Satoru : Lu Hsun 魯迅 and“The Underground Trip”
KOBAYASHI Yoshihiro : On Paihua 白話 in the“Hakkenden”八犬傳

No.31 1979

TAGAMI Yasuaki : Fundamental Pattern of Maturation of Narratives in the Chun-chiu Tso-shih Chuan 春秋左氏傳 ─Concerning the Accounts of the Thirteen Princesses of Lu 魯─
KIMURA Eiichi : Theory of Zhong-yong(中庸)in Chinese Philosophy
KAWASAKI Takaharu : A Study on Chieh sang pien(節喪篇)and An ssu pien(安死篇)in the Lushih chun-chiu(呂氏春秋)
MUKAI Tetsuo : ON the Relation between the Huai-nan-tzu淮南子 and the Mocianist墨家 Thought
USAMI Kazuhiro : Tung Chung-shu(董仲舒)’s Political Ideas ─On the consolidation and restraint of emperor’s power─
HORIIKE Nobuo : The Sixty Pitches of Jing Fang
MATSUURA Takashi : On Yuan Shu 袁淑’s “Fei-kai-wen”誹諧文
KAMITSUKA Yoshiko : Shen Yueh 沈約’s Thought on Seclusion
KOZEN Hiroshi : The Shih-pin 詩品(Classification of Poets)and Some Reviews of Calligraphy-Painting
MORINO Shigeo : On the Li-Shan zhu(李善注)of the Wen-Xuan(文選) ─The relation between the Li-Shan zhu of the ji-zhu(集注) and the printed Li-Shan zhu─
MASUDA Kiyohide : The Kung tzu 宮詞 by Hua-jui Fu-jen 花蕊夫人 in the Hou-Shu 後蜀 Dynasty
OKAMOTO Fujiaki : Language and Body─Chu Hsi 朱熹’s Literary Criticism─
ISOBE Akira : The Formation of Chu pa-chieh猪八戒’s shape in the “Hsi-yu chi 西遊記”
YAMAGISHI Tomoni : The Real Nature of the Tang-shi-xuan 唐詩選 and the Criticism about Interpretations of the Questionable Books
SUGIYAMA Hiroyuki : On Chu I-Tsun 朱彝尊’s “Ching-i Kao”經義考 ─mainly on its several editions─
HASHIMOTO Takakatsu : Tai Chen’s Meng-tzu Tzu-i Su-cheng ─His Philosophical and Philological Approaches To Chinese Classics─
KOBAYASHI Toshio : A Study on the Kiyohara Family’s texts of the Meng-tzu(清原家本孟子)

No.32 1980

CHUBACHI Masakazu : Death and Renewal ─One Aspect of the Festivals in Ancient China─
MORITA Denichiro : On Bian-Que 扁鵲, the Great Physician in Ancient China
MUROYA Kuniyuki : The idea of Tao in Chuang-tzu 莊子
MIURA Yoshiaki : On Heaven in Hsun-tzu’s philosophy
KATAKURA Nozomu : “The Division of Human Nature and Human Artifice”(性僞之分): The Concept of Human Nature as Evil in the philosophy of Hsun Tzu(荀子)…its dichotomy and integration
IWAMOTO Kenji : The Formation Process of Kung-yang San-shih shuo 公羊三世説
TAKAHASHI Tadahiko : Zheng Xuan(鄭玄)’s Thought on Rituals in his Commentary on San-li(三禮注)
SATAKE Yasuko : Jen Fang’s任昉 Style─Its progress and Change in His Last Days
ANDO Makoto : Matters Related to Chapter Shen-ssu 神思 of Wen-hsin- tiao-lung文心雕龍
SUNAYAMA Minoru : Cheng Hsuan Ying (成玄英)’s thoughts
KATO Kuniyasu : Tu Fu(杜甫)’s “Irregular Seven-word Verses”(拗格七律)
HASEGAWA Shigenari : Quotation in Wen-hsuan Ch’ao 文選鈔の引書
ICHIKI Tsuyuhiko : Lu Tai-lin 呂大臨’s Thought
OGAWA Yoichi : San-yen erh-po 三言二拍 and Shan-shu(Edifying Book)善書
FUJII Yoshio : The Images of Aloofness 孤高 In the Poetry of Ku Yen- wu 顧炎武
HAMA Hisao : Chuang T’sun-yu’s 莊存與 Kung-yang 公羊 thoughts
FUJII Shozo: On the Chinese understanding of Byron : as seen through the eyes of Zhang Pin-lin, Lu Xun and Su Man-shu
SANBO Masami : On the Motif of Lu Hsun 魯迅’s‘Shang-Shih’「傷逝」

No.33 1981

TANIDA Takayuki : A Study on the Occurrence of the Chao-Mu 昭穆 System in Ancient China (alternate succession of ancestors)
KAWAKAMI Yoshizo : Fang-feng-shih 防風氏 and Mt. Feng-yu 封嵎山
ISHIDA Hidemi : The Concept of Mental Disease in Ancient China ─The problem of ‘unbalanced mind’in Ancient China─
KITAMURA Yoshikazu : On the reformation of Li(禮)in the latter period of the Pre-Han dynasty
SHIMA Hazime : Han Yu(韓愈)and Lun Yu(論語)
TSUCHIDA Kenjiro : On Yang Shi’s 楊時 Standpoint
FUKUSHIMA Hitoshi : On the Formation Process of Zhuzi(朱子)’s Theory of Mind(心性論)
KONDO Masanori : Chu Tzu’s 朱子 Reevaluation of Meng Tzu 孟子 in Response to the Criticisms that denounced Meng Tzu for Impiety toward the Chou 周 Dynasty, as seen in Tu-yu-yin-chin-tsun-meng- pien 讀余隱尊孟辯
SANO Koji : On The Chinese method of Learning the Ssu-shu(四書) and the Wu-ching(五經), Especially during the Ming(明)Dynasty. ─The Confucian Classics and the Chinese Mind─
OGAWA Haruhisa : On the concept of Jitsugaku
KANO Yoshimitsu : The function of literary cliches in the‘Shih Ching (詩經)
FUKUI Yoshio : On the Genre of “Zhao”詔 ─In the “Han”漢 and “Wei”魏 Dynasties─
YOSHIDA Ryuei : Tzu-an, An Angel
MIYAZAWA Masayori : On Tao Yuan Ming(陶淵明)and Liu Chai Sang(劉柴桑)
KEIYA Toshinobu :      On the term of tzu mu 字母
SHINMEN Keiko : The Poetry of Cen Can ─Frequent use of the same or similar expressions─
SHIMOSADA Masahiro : The Poetry of Liu Tsung-yuan(柳宗元)in Exile at Liu-chou(柳州) ─the attenuation of conflicts with fate and its causes─
ATSUJI Tetsuji : A Study on Tuan Yu-tsai’s(段玉裁)Shuo Wen Chieh Tzu Tu(説文解字讀)Preserved in the Peking Library
NAGUMO Satoru : Mao dun(茅盾)and his first collection of short stories Ye qiang wei(野薔薇)

No.34 1982

SUZUKI Kiichi(Yoshikazu): On Ethical Relationships between Feudal Lords and their Retainers in the Chun-chiu 春秋 Era
ASANO Yuichi : The Changes Effected in Mo-chia 墨家 ─The Meanings of Keng-chu 耕桂・Kui-i 貴義・Kung-meng 公孟・Lu-wen 魯問 in “Mo- tzu”墨子─
MUKAI Tetsuo : On the Relation between the Huai-nan-tzu(淮南子)and the Thought of the School of Yin-Yang wu-xing(陰陽五行)
HANASAKI Ryuichiro : The Hsun Shuang’s 荀爽 Theory of “kua-pien卦 變” in the Chou-i 周易
TANAKA Masami : On He Hsiu’s(何休)Attitude toward the Barbarians (夷狄)
OGAMI Masami : On Juan Chi(阮籍)’s “Wei cheng chung chuan chin wang chien(爲鄭沖勸晉王牋)”
YAJIMA Mitsuko : On the “Meng Ci Jiu” by Yu Xin
SUEOKA Minoru : The Development and Role of the Hsing 性 Theory in the Chung-Tang 中唐 Period
KAMITAKA Tokuharu : On the Keian Edition of Hsin-yueh-fu 新樂府 by Po Chu-i
YOSHIDA Ryuei : The Moon Worship in China in the Tang and the Sung Period
NOGUCHI Yoshitaka : On the Zen Sect at the Beginning of the Ming Era ─Tu Feng Pen Shan(毒峯本善)and Kung ku Ching Lung(空谷景隆)─
WASHINO Masaaki : Shou Hsu(壽序)of Kui Yu Kuang(歸有光)─Ku Wen(古文)Permeated into the Fork Celebration─
GOHYAMA Kiwamu : Kui Chuang(歸莊)’s YEARNING TOWARD FLO- WERS ─The Circumstances of His Writing‘Hsun hua jih chi(尋花日記)’─
SATO Yutaka : The National Essence and the National Studies in the Journal of the National Essence(Kuo-tsui hsueh-pao 國粹學報)
FUJII Shozo : The Collapse of Lu Hsun 魯迅’s Image of “Poet”: on the Formation of “Revenge 復讐” and “Hope 希望” in “Wild Grass 野草”

No.35 1983

KURIHARA Keisuke : A Study of the Ritual Practice and Primitive Mentality in Ancient China in Comparison with the Religion of the Semitic Race
ISHIKAWA Misao : The Word (Hsing Tzu)興詞 and Impromptu Wedding Dances Appearing in (Shih Ching)詩經 ─The Augury Rite for Rabbits and Its Development─
FUJIYAMA Kazuko : The Good Time for Marriage in the Song Piao-yu- mei(摽有梅) in the Shih-Ching(詩經)
MUROYA Kuniyuki : The Thought of Cycle and the Logic of “Great” in Lao-tzu
ONIMARU Tadashi : Macrobiotics in the Four Chapters of Kuang-tzu(管子)
IIYAMA Masao : On the Form of chien(簡)and tse(策)and on its Calligraphy in Chou(周)Period
SUZUKI Kiichi(Yoshikazu): A Study of Ethical Relationships between Feudal Lords and their Retainers in the Chan-kuo 戰國 Era─centering around Confucianists─
KONDO Noriyuki : A New Viewpoint of The Completion of Tso chuan(左傳) ─Through A Revaluation of The Theory of Li(禮)─
FUKUI Yoshio : On the Genre of “Shang Tsou Wen”上奏文 ─mainly on “Tsou Yang”鄒陽’s “Yu Chung Shang Shu Tzu Ming”獄中上書自明─
USAMI Kazuhiro : A Study of Tung Chung-shu(董仲舒)’s Thought ─Chiefly on Hsiung-nu(匈奴)and Revenge(復讎)─
FUJIKAWA Masakazu : The Dispute concerning the She(社)or Chi(稷) Festival in the Latter Han(後漢)Dynasty
YUSA Noboru : Sha Fa Shan(葉法善)and She Ching Neng(葉淨能)─Taoism as Seen in Tang(唐)Dynasty─
UEDA Tadashi : A Study of Hui-lin(慧琳)’s Yin-i(音義)
OHTA Tatsuo : A Study of Tiao-feng-yueh 調風月 of the Yuan元 Edition
SAWADA Masahiro : A Study of the Literary Circles in Wu Chung(呉中)in the Mid Ming 明 Era ─through the setting up the juniors as celebrity─
NISHIMURA Hideto : Yuan Chung Lang(袁中郎)’s Theory of Hsing Ling (性靈)and Li Cho Wu(李卓吾)’s Thought
OHTANI Michiyori : Lu Hsun 魯迅’s Chinese Translations of “From the Earth to the Moon” and “A Journey to the Center of the Earth”
OZAKI Fumiaki : The Origins of the Cho Tso Jen 周作人-Chen Tu Hsiu 陳獨秀 Clash ─a Glimpse at Cho Tso Jen’s Development as a May Fourth Era Writer and Thinker
SUGANO Hiroyuki : A Study of the Poem “Tzu yung”自詠 in Chien Chia Hou Chi 菅家後集
SATOH Akira : Some problems in the phonological Change of the Cheng- chih-yin 正齒音 words of Division 2

No.36 1984

SHIMIZU Shigeru : What was the Original Meaning of Xing 行 in Yuefu 樂府 Poetry?
SHIBATA Kiyotsugu : The Two Concepts─Shen 神 and Tao 道─in The Kuan-tzu Ssu-pien 管子四篇
YUASA Kunihiro : Law and Jurisprudential Thought of the Chin 秦 Dynasty with Special Emphasis on the Chin 秦 Dynasty Bamboo Slips Unearthed at Yun-meng 雲夢
ASANO Yuichi : Political Idea of Huang-Lao-Dao 黄老道 ─Its Contrast with the Art of Technical Law(法術)─
UCHIYAMA Toshihiko : Chung-Chang Tung 仲長統 ─Thoughts and Behaviours of an Intellectual in the End of the Latter Han(後漢)Dynasty─
HARADA Jiro : On the Macrobiotics of The Tai-ping Ching 太平經
NUMAGUCHI Masaru : On Tung-ping Fu 東平賦 by Juan Chi 阮籍
KINUGAWA Kenji : Hsieh Ling-yun 謝靈運’s “Mountain and Water”Poetry ─Composition of Poems and Religious Experience amongst Mountains and Waters─
SHIMOSADA Masahiro : The Question of Form in the Poetry of Liu Tsung- yuan 柳宗元 ─The Transformation of Form from Old Style to Modern Style before and after the 10th year Yuan-ho 元和─
KONDO Masanori : Characteristics of Wang An-shih 王安石’s Respect for Meng-tzu 孟子
PARK Yang-ja : Concerning Chih-yen I-i 知言疑義 by Chu-tzu 朱子
SUEKI Yasuhiko : The Thought of The Yin-fu Ching Kao-i 陰符經考異
AZUMA Juji : A Study on The Chou-I Tsan-tung-chi Kao-i 周易參同契考異 by Chu Hsi 朱熹
ITO Sohei : On Editions of Stories Written by Li Yu 李漁 and Their Circulation: Mainly on The Silent Theatre
YOSHIDA Kenshu : The Thought of Wang Fu-chih 王夫之─Its Keynotes─
HAMAGUCHI Fujio : The Evidential Research of Tuan Yu-tsai 段玉裁 ─His Etymological Research on Character Kuei 軌 in the Second Stanza of Pao yu Ku yeh 匏有苦葉 of the Odes─
FUJIMURA Koichi : A Study of Kung Tzu-chen 龔自珍 ─in View of Ai-ken 愛根 and Tung-hsin 童心─
HIROHATA Sukeo : The Legend of Jinmu 神武 in The Nihon Shoki 日本書紀 and the Historical Facts about Wu wang 武王 of Zhou 周

No.37 1985

KITAMURA Yoshikazu :  An Essay of Zhaomu 昭穆 System ─Generation Rank and the Category of Father and son─
KOBAYASHI Shigeru : On the Writing about〈侵伐〉in〈春秋〉
YOSHINAGA Shinjiro : The Meaning of Meng Ke 孟軻’s Immovable Mind(不動心)in the History of Chinese Philosophy
HIDEMI Ishida : The Problem of Language Expressed in the Four Chapters of The Kuan-tzu 管子 in Comparison with the Cheng-ming-lun pien 正名論篇 of The Hsun-tzu 荀子
MASHIMA Junichi : The Structure and the Significance of Cheng Hsuan 鄭玄’s “Lu-li-ti-hsia-i 魯禮禘祫義”
SATO Toshiyuki : Erh Lu 二陸’s View of Writing
NOMA Fumichika : A Study of the Dingben 定本 Quoted in The Wujing Zhengyi 五經正義
YAJIMA Mitsuko : The LADY on the BALCONY An Exposition of the Motif of “Guiyuan-shi 閨怨詩”
KATO Kuniyasu : “Tu Fu 杜甫’s Poems in Ch’eng-tu 成都 Period and Yu Hsin 庾信’s Literature”
SUZUKI Shuji : On The Movements Refreshing Wei-chin and Six Dynasties(魏晉六朝)Poetry in Tang 唐 Dynasties
KAWAI Kozo : On the Usage of “xi 戲” in Reference to Han Yu 韓愈
SEN Mitsue : The Sweet Dew Incident(甘露之禍)and the Poets ─Mainly on Li Shang-yin 李商隱 is Point of Views─
MATSUO Hatsuko : Ciyuan 詞源 and Yuefu Zhimi 樂府指迷
TAKAHASHI Bunji : “Thirty Poms on Poetry”by Yuan Hao-wen 元好問 and its Surroundings
TAKEDA Tokimasa : Huang Tsung-hsi 黄宗羲’s Criticism on Tu-shu Hsien-tien 圖書先天 School ─In the Historical Development of the Studies of the I-ching 易經─
MIURA Shuichi : The Formation of the Young Yan Yuan 顏元’s Thought
ARAKI Kengo : On SUZUKI Teisai, Kimon Scholar

No.38 1986

YANAKA Shinichi : The “Yi-Choushu”逸周書 and its compilation ─A Study of the Ch’i 齊’s learning and thought─
HAYASHI Katsu : The Five Element Theory of Tsou Tzu 騶子
TAMAKI Naoyuki : “Yue 樂” and the Idea of Culture ─Concerning the Formation of Confucianists’s Arguments about “Yue”─
SAIKI Tetsuro : OUTLINE OF ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED BY CONFUCIAN SCHOLARS IN Chin 秦 DYNASTY ─concerning the rewriting of Shang-shu “Yao-tien”尚書堯典 and the making of Li-chi “Ta-hsueh”禮記大學篇─
USUI Shunji : An ideological study of the flood control in Ancient China ─On the flood control of Hsuan fang 宣房─
TANAKA Junko : On Juan Chi 阮籍’s Mi-hou fu 獼猴賦
NUMAGUCHI Masaru : On Juan Chi’s 阮籍 Thirteen Pieces of Four-Character “Lyric Poems” ─with Particular Reference to Their Rhetorical Devices─
TAKAHASHI Hitoshi : The Dunhuang Transcription of the Lunyu-shu(敦煌本論語疏) ─With Emphasis on the Text─
OKAMURA Shigeru : The Real Circumstances behind the Compilation of Wen-hsuan 文選 and the Intellectuals’ Estimation to It in the Early Stages of Its Compilation
TAKAHASI Akio : The Stylistic Character of the Ou-Yang Hsiu 歐陽脩’s Prose ─In Comparison with the Han Yu 韓愈’s Prose
HANASAKI Ryuichiro : A Study on the Diagram by Li Ting-chih 李挺之 in Chou-i 周易
SATO Rentaro : The Political Thought of Li Chih 李贄 ─the Spirit of Tsang-shu 藏書─
OHDAIRA Keiichi :    A Study on the Poems of Wang Yu-Yang 王漁洋 Written at Yang Chou 揚州
TAKEMURA Noriyuki : On the development of “dreams” through Xixiangji 西廂記, Huanhunji 還魂記, and Hongloumeng 紅樓夢 ─from the dream in the actual world to the world in the dream─
MIYAO Masaki : Zhang Houzai 張厚載 and Hu Shi 胡適 in the New Culture Movement ─Focusing on the Controversy on the Reform of Chinese Traditional Drama─
KUSUHARA Toshiyo : On “A Study of Lushi 律詩底研究” by Wen Yiduo 聞一多

No.39 1987

KOTAKI Takamichi : The Origin and the Sense Fixing as an Etiquette of Tohuli 投壺禮
TAMAKI Naoyuki : The End of the Days When Musicians Were Sages at Ancient Chinese Courts
YOSHIDA Atsushi : THE CONCEPT OF SOVEREIGNTY IN THE KU- LIANG CHUAN ─A Logic and the Background behind the Intensification of the Sovereign Power─
ARIMA Takuya : The Significance of Yuan-dao Hsun 原道訓 in Huai-nan-tzu 淮南子 ─about the Thought on Yin-hsun 因循─
YUASA Kunihiro : Guan-zi 管子’s and Dong Zhong-shu 董仲舒’s Thoughts in the Yantie Controversy 鹽鐵論爭
TAKEDA Tokimasa : A Study of the Symbolical-Numerical Theory in I-Wei Kung-Ling-Tu 易緯坤靈圖
MIYANO Naoya : Wang I 王逸’s Attitude in “Chu-tzu Chang-chu”楚辭章句
ANDO Nobuhiro : On Some Problems Concerning Tao Yuan-ming 陶淵明’s “Xing Ying Shen San-shou 形影神三首” ─Buddhism and Zeng Da shi 贈答詩 (Poems Exchanged Between Two Persons)─
TOKURA Hidemi : Time and Space in Poems of Farewell
NISHIGAMI Masaru : On Han Yu’s Grave Inscriptions
KURODA Mamiko : “Ganxuanzi 乾𦠆子”, A Book of Short Stories in The Tang 唐 Era, and Wen Ting-Yun 温庭筠
OKAZAKI Yumi : On the tradition of the Romantic Drama Baiyueting 拜月亭
ABE Yasuki : Compilement of the Kung-an stories in the Ming Period
HONMA Tsugihiko : Wang Chuan-shan 王船山 on Criticism of Poetry
MATSUOKA Junko : A STUDY OF “SHANG REN FU”商人婦 ─on the relation to “ON THE CALCUTTA ROAD” by R. Tagore─
IWAMI Teruhiko : The SEI-SHU Semantics of MIURA Baien

NO.40 1988

YOSHINAGA Shinjiro : Meng Zi’s 孟子 Ren 仁 ―Its idealistic facets
MUROTANI Kuniyuki : On the Establishment of the Concept of‘Natural’自然
YABU Toshihiro :           A Study of the Structure of Mao-Xu 毛序
SAKAMOTO Tomotsugu : ON the Theory of Zai-Yi 災異 in “Han-shu Wu-xing- zhi”漢書五行志 ―the dating of the theories of Dong Zhong-shu 董仲舒 and Liu Xiang 劉向
FURUKAWA Sueki : New Trends of Literary Thought in the Jian-an 建安 San-guo 三國 Dynasties
SHIMOSADA Masahiro : The Poetic Work of Han Yu 韓愈―changes in style―
HIGASHI Hidetoshi : A Study of Tai Hsueh ti 太學體: Its Position in the Ku- wen 古文 Campaign during the Pei-Sung 北宋 era
KONDOH Masanori : On Chang Chiu-Cheng’s 張九成 “Biography of Meng-tzu” 孟子傳
KUSAKA Midori :         A Study of“Chu 齣”
MARUYAMA Hiroaki: Comments on Concise Editions of“Shui-Hu-Chuan”水滸傳 ―the printed editions of Liu Xing-wo 劉興我 and Li Kuang-tang 藜光堂―
YOSHIDA Jun : On Yan Ruo-qu’s 閻若璩 “Shang-shu Gu-wen Shu-zheng”尚書古文疏證 and Contemporary Reaction
TESHIROGI Yuji : The Concept of“Freedom”in the Last Years of the Qing 清 Dynasty ―its acceptance and transformation―
YUSA Toru : Hsi-hsueh 西學 and Hsin-hsueh 新學 ―on the reasons for import- ing Western civilization to Modern China
NAGAHORI Yuzo : The Reflection of Trotsky’s Theory of Literary Art in Lu Xun’s 魯迅 Essays on Revolutionary Literature
MARUYAMA Noboru : The Choice of a Chinese Intellectual ―The Case of Xiao Qian 蕭乾
ONISHI Katsuya : On the Lexical Distinction between the Two Negatives Fu 弗 and Pu 不 in Archaic Chinese
ENDO Mitsuaki : Three Interpretations of the term nei-wai-zhuan 内外轉

No.41 1989

YOSHINAGA Shinjiro : The Conversion of Interpretation in the First Section of Lun Yu 論語 Li Ren 里仁 Chapter and the Logic of Meng Zi 孟子
GOTO Akinobu : A Historical Study of Ai-Tzu 哀辭
KAMEYAMA Akira : On the Farewell Poems of Chien-an 建安 Poets
TAKANO Jun’ichi : The Concept of Fen 分 as Expounded by Wang Pi 王弼
SATO Masamitsu : Xie Tiao 謝朓 in Xuan Cheng 宣城 Period
TAKAHASHI Hitoshi : Some Transcriptions of the Lunyu-Yishu 論語義疏
NAKASUJI Kenkichi : Kung ti shih 宮體詩 and Yu tai hsin yung 玉臺新詠
MATSUMOTO Hajime : Liu Zongyuan’s 柳宗元“Fei Guoyu”非國語
NABATA Yoshinori : On Ssu-ma Kuang’s 司馬光 Chien-Hsu 潛虚
MIYAZAWA Masanori : A Comparative Study of“Tien Chen Huang Jen Chiu Hsien Ching”天眞皇人九仙經
by Priest I Hsing 僧一行 and“Tao Shu”Chiu Hsien Pien 道 樞九仙篇 by Tseng Tsao 曾慥
MIZUNO Minoru : The Establishment of the Legitimacy of the“Old Text of the Great Learning”古本大學 in the Ming Dynasty
NEGAYAMA Tohru : A Definition of the Depiction of Liu Meng-mei 柳夢梅 in the Huan-hun chi 還魂記
ISHIDA Kazuo : On Li Mutang 李穆堂
MURAYAMA Yoshihiro : Fang Yu-run 方玉潤 and Shi-Jing 詩經
ITO Toramaru : Luxun’s View on Religion in His Youth
FUKUDA Tetsuyuki : The Content and Structure of“Cang-jie-pian”蒼頡篇
ENDO Mitsuaki : Sources of the Fanqie 反切 Spellings in the Qieyun 切韻

No.42 1990

TAMAKI Naoyuki : An Interpretation of the Wen-Kung 文公 Legend
YUASA Kunihiro :  On Confucius’s Dream
MIURA Yoshiaki : On Guan Zi 管子 You-guan-pian 幼官篇
KAJI Nobuyuki : The Position of Hsiao Ching 孝經 in the History of Philosophy in the Han 漢 Dynasty
UEDA Takeshi : Some Ideas that supported the Life of Tao Yuan-ming 陶淵明
MAEDA Shigeki : On Lao-zi Xi-sheng jing 老子西昇經: An Essay on the Formation of the Text
ICHIKAWA Momoko : The Lotus in Old Chinese Poems
YAMADA Takashi : The Development of Tao-hsing 道性 in Sui 隋 and Tang 唐 Dynasty
SUZUKI Toshio : On Imitative Poetry by Wei Yingwu 韋應物
SAKAUCHI Shigeo : The Synthesis of Confucianism and Taoism’s Teachings in the Later Half of Tang 唐 Dynasty. On Luo Yin 羅隱’s Liang Tong Shu 兩同書
UCHIYAMA Chinari : On the Structure and Theme of Yingying Zhuan 鶯鶯傳
UNO Naoto : The Influence of urban life in North Song 北宋 Period on Liu Yong 柳永’s Ci 詞 versification
USAMI Bunri : Su Dong-po 蘇東坡’s Theory of Paintings and Dong-po-Yi-zhuan 東坡易傳
YOSHIMURA Hiromichi : Fen lei pu chu Li Tai pai shih 分類補註李太白詩 of the Sung Edition and Hsiao Shih yun 蕭士贇
FUKUMITSU Masahiro : A Study of the Dutuo 度脱 Drama in the Yuan 元 Dynasty period Dramas
OGAWA Toshiyasu : Zhou Zuoren’s 周作人 View on Literature in the May 4th New Cultural Movement
MAKI Yoichi : Tsao-yu’s 曹禺 Thunderstorm 雷雨,Sunrise 日出 and Wilderness 原野 as tragedies in the context of Christianity
ENDO Mitsuaki : The Process of dividing the Zhen 臻 ―zhi 櫛 rime and the distribution of the Zhuang 莊 series initials

No.43 1991

YAMABE Susumu : Government Organization and Theory in the three Shang-dong chapter 尚同三篇 of the Mo Zi 墨子
SUGAMOTO Hirotsugu : Xun Zi 荀子’s Acceptance of Legalists’ Thought ―Focusing on the Structure of‘Li’禮―
SATO Akira :             The Thought of Jung 容 in the Early Period of the Han 漢 Dynasty ―Focusing on the Jung ching-pien 容經篇 in Hsin shu 新書
TOGAWA Yoshio : Some Characteristic of the Shi-jing 詩經’s Lines cited in Huai Nan Zi 淮南子
NOMURA Shigeo : Some Comments on“Guwen Shangshu”古文尚書 a fake document ―Referring to“Diwang Shiji”帝王世紀 as the source for discussion―
YAJIMA Mitsuko : The Transition of the Apricot blossom’s image in old Chinese poems
OHCHI Takeo : About Tao Yuanming 陶淵明’s View of Death
MUKOJIMA Shigeyoshi : A Study of Parallelism in the Poetry of Bao Zhao 鮑照
KATO Satoshi : Stone and Water in the Poetry of Yuan Chieh 元結
SHIZUNAGA Takeshi : Yuan Zhen 元稹’s Intention of Producing Twelve He Li-jiaoshu Xin-ti-yue-fu 和李校書新題樂府十二首
MURAKAMI Tetsumi : A Study of Jiang Bai-shi 姜白石’s Ci 詞―Lyrics
AKEGI Shigeo : The side notation 旁譜 system of Ci 詞 Poetry in Baishi Daoren Gequ 白石道人歌曲
HAMAGUCHI Fujio : The development of ideas on the interpretation in the Ching period’s textual research movement
SUEOKA Hiroshi : An Interpretation of Chang Pin-lin 章炳麟’s Study of the Chun-Chiu 春秋 ―An Essay in Intellectual History of China―
ITO Noriya : The three typical visions in the arguments for“Europeanization” of modern written Chinese
SUGINO Motoko : Lao She 老舎 and Campus Unrest ―On“Zhao Zi-yue” 趙子曰 and others―
ENDO Mitsuaki : Roundness of the labial syllables in the Qie yun 切韻

No.44 1992

ISHIKAWA Misao : On the Substance of Meiren 美人 in the Simeiren 思美人 chapter of Jiuzhang 九章 ―Based on a Reinterpretation of the Inscription on a Western Han Mirror―
SAIKI Tetsuro : Tung Chung-shu 董仲舒 and Chun-chiu Ku-liang-chuan 春秋穀梁傳 ―A Profile of Ku-liang-chuan Studies in the Western Han―
MINAMIZAWA Yoshihiko : The Appearance of Diwang Shiji 帝王世紀 and its Significance
SATOH Toshiyuki : The Lu 陸 Brothers in Luoyang 洛陽; Tensions and Interactions among Southern and Northern Literati
NAKAJIMA Ryuzo : On Zhong xuan po 重玄派
FUKUI Fumimasa-Bunga : Buddhistic Functions of the Song頌in Taoist Literature
MATSUURA Tomohisa : Poetry in a Transient’s Nonchalance ―A Keynote in Li Bo 李白’s Life-Consciousness―
ASAMI Yoji : Landscape and Paintings in Late Tang 唐 Poetry
UCHIYAMA Seiya : On Su Shi 蘇軾’s Ciyun 詞韻 Poems ―The Meaning of Ciyun in the Ci 詞 as opposed to the shi 詩―
HANASAKI Ryuichiro : A Study on the Kua-pien-tu 卦變圖 in the Chu-tzu 朱子’s Chou-i pen-i 周易本義
EGUCHI Naosumi : Zheng Qiao 鄭樵’s Views on the Classics ―Focusing on his Interpretation of the Book of Odes and Autumn Annals―
NAKAGAWA Satoshi : A Study of Editions of the Sanguozhi yanyi 三國志演義 ―The Relationship of the Various Hua Guansuo 花關索 Editions Printed in Jianyang 建陽 ―
KASAI Naomi A Perspective on the Argument Regarding the Concept of Loyalty 忠義 in the Shuihuzhuan 水滸傳
NOMURA Ayuko : Various Problems concerning Chien Chien-i 錢謙益’s evaluation of Kui Yu-kuang 歸有光
MIYAUCHI Tamotsu : The Technique of Landscape Description in the Shenyunshi 神韻詩 of Wang Yu-yang 王漁洋
TANEMURA Kazufumi : Dai Zhen 戴震’s Studies of the Shijing 詩經 ―His Method and Views in the Gaoxi Shijing buzhu 杲溪詩經補注―
SHIMIZU Kenichiro : Immensee みずうみ in the Meiji era and Inmenghu 茵夢湖 in the Republic ―The Reception of Storm in Japan and China―
OZAKI Yujiro : Can the Characters in Fanqie 反切 Combinations in Zhoungniu 重紐 Rhymes truly be classified into initial Groups?

No.45 1993

IMATAKA Makoto : Rhyme in“Mo-Zi”墨子
FUKUDA Tetsuyuki : Xu Shen 許愼’s Understanding of the Gu Wen 古文
MASHIMA Jun’ichi : The Myth and Nation of Tai-ping 太平 in the Shang-Shu-Zhong-Hou 尚書中候
HAYASHI Kana : Lei 誄 in the Han 漢,Wei 魏 and Six Dynasties 六朝 periods ―Its Relationship to Mu Bei 墓碑―
SHIMOMI Takao : A new approach to the research of Chinese women’s history ―The case of Jinshu Liehnuchuan『晉書』列女傳―
SEN Mitsue : Si-ma Xiang-ru 司馬相如 in the Poetry of Li Yi-shan 李義山 ―The Portrait as A Metaphor―
KAKO Riichiro : The Literary Expression of Li Shang-yin 李商隱’s Rhythmical Prose
MIURA Kunio : The doctrine of Physical Nature 氣質
SUMIDA Tatsuo : A Reexamination of Zhu Xi 朱熹’s Interpretation of “gewu zhizhi ”格物致知
HAYASAKA Toshihiro : Chen Liang 陳亮’s Daoxue 道學 ―His Ximingshuo 西銘説――
ARAKI Kengo : Li Tong-xuan 李通玄 in the Ming Dynasty
ONOE Kanehide : Wang Zhao-jun 王昭君’s Lot in Fictions
NAKAMURA Satoshi : Kang Yu-wei 康有爲’s Economic Doctrine
SETO Hiroshi : The Shanghai drama company’s 上海戲劇協社 production of The Young Madam’s Fan《少奶奶的扇子》
SHAO Yingjian : The World of“Romances”傳奇 ―The Literature of Identity Crisis―
ZHENG Liyun : The Title Poem of Ike no Taiga 池大雅’s“Bamboo and Stone Painting”竹石圖 ―The Japanese Adoption of Chinese Poetry―

No.46 1994

FUKUMOTO Fumihiko : The xing ci 興詞 of“tree-cutting”in the Book of Odes 詩經
SHIRASUGI Etsuo : The Illustration of Jiu-gong Ba-feng 九宮八風圖 and Its Relation to the Legend of He-tu Luo-shu 河圖・洛書傳承 ―The Place of Medicine in the Han 漢 Dynasty Scholarship―
NAKANO Toru : Xuanxue 玄學 Theories in Zhang Zhan 張湛’s Commentary on the Liezi 列子
UEDA Takeshi : Tao Yuanming 陶淵明’s Younger Friends ―The Universe of the Poems Dedicated to Them―
KAKEHI Fumio : Li Bai 李白’s Friendly Relations with Gao Shi 高適
AZUMA Juji : The Formation of the Tai-ji tu 太極圖 ―A Re-examination of Its Origins in Relation to Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism
FUJII Kyomi : A Study on Wang Anshi 王安石’s View on Boyi 伯夷
KOBAYASHI Tetsuyuki : The Literary Universe of Zheng Yunduan 鄭允端 ―An Accomplished Poetess of the Yuan 元 Dynasty―
OKAMURA Masumi : The Qin bing liu guo ping hua 秦併六國平話 and Hu Ceng 胡曾’s Yong shi shi 詠史詩 ―A study of the development of historical novels―
MIZUNO Minoru : A Study on Wang Shouren 王守仁’s Daxue guben pangshi 大學古本傍釋
UEDA Nozumu : A Study on the Ching Historical Novels ―A Perspective from the Mask Theatre in An-shun Country,Kuei-chou Province
TESHIROGI Yuji : Qun 群 and Minde 民徳 ―Yan Fu 嚴復’s Experience in the West and the Formation of His Qunxue群學―
NAKAZATOMI Satoshi : Monologue and Free Indirect Speech in Lu Xun 魯迅’s Shangshi 傷逝 or the Conflict between the Narrator-I and the Character-I
MARUO Tsuneki : Revenge and Burial ―On Lu Xun 魯迅’s Forging the Sword 鑄劍―
OTSUKI Yukiyo : Ling Shuhua 凌叔華 and the Xin Yue She 新月社 Salon ―Their Adoption of Love Marriage and Nuclear Family System

No.47 1995

YUASA Kunihiro : The Concept of Government Official in the Chin 秦 Dynasty ―On the Chin 秦 Dynasty Bamboo Slips Unearthed at Yun-meng 雲夢―
TANIGUCHI Hiroshi : The Ornate Style of the Huai-nan-zi 淮南子 ―The Synthesis of Various Schools in the Early Years of the Han 漢 Dynasty and Its Relation to the Formation of Han Fu 漢賦―
OGAMI Masami : A Study on Ji Kang’s 康 Bu-yi 卜疑
SATAKE Yasuko : A Study of the Views on Official Career and Withdrawal form Official Life ―An Examination of the Dialogues in Rhymed prose She-lun 設論 by Xia-hou Zhan 夏侯湛 and by Shu Xi 束晳after Huang-fu Mi 皇甫謐―
KOMINAMI Ichiro : The Creation of Fiction in the Yuan-Bai 元白 Literary Group ―Focusing in the Ying-ying Zhuan 鶯鶯傳―
SOEJIMA Ichiro : Historiography in the Tong Dian 通典 and Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元
MARUYAMA Sigeru : The Bai shi wen ji 白氏文集 as Memoirs
NOMA Fumichika : A Study on the Manuscripts of the Chou Yi Cheng Yi 周易正義 Preserved at the Hiroshima University Library
KAKIUCHI Keiko : A Study of Zhu Xi 朱熹’s“Jing 敬”Concept
FUKUDA Sigeru : On the Position of Nie Shuangjiang 聶雙江 and Luo Nian’an 羅念庵 in the Wang yangming School 陽明學派
SATO Rentaro : A Study on the Li-shi-shuo-shu 李氏説書 ―A Comparison with Lin Zhao-en’s 林兆恩 Si-shu-zheng-yi-zuan 四書正義纂―
NEGAYAMA Tohru : The Performing Development of Tang Hsien-tsu 湯顯祖’s Huan-hun chi 還魂記 during the Ching 清 Dynasty
TAKEMURA Noriyuki : The Figure of Yang Gui-fei 楊貴妃 in the Chang sheng dian 長生殿 seen through the Figure of Mei Fei 梅妃
ZHAO Jinghua : Zhou Zuoren 周作人 and YANAGITA Kunio 柳田國男 ― Folklore centered on traditional religious faith―
NAITO Masako : A Study of the Works of Chinese Grammar by R.Morrison and J.Marshman

No.48 1996

FUKUSHIMA Yoshihiko : Apropos of the Rhyming of the Prose Commentary 章句 on Lao-zi 老子 by He-shang gong 河上公
KAMATANI Takeshi : Why Does Hang Fu 漢賦 Abound with Words That are Hard to Understand? ―Some Observations on Fu in the Early Han 前漢 Period―
IWAMOTO Kenji : “Chutzu Pishi 屬辭比事”and Its Background
NAGAI Mizuhito : Wang Mang 王莽’s Intention of the Building of Ming Tang 明堂 in the End of West-Han Dynasty
ISHIAI Kaoru : A Study on Relationships between the Theory of Han-huo-de (漢火徳説)and the calendar system of the Santong-li(三統暦)
MINAMIZAWA Yoshihiko : A Study on Zhang Heng 張衡’s Special Talent for Creating Mechanisms and Ying-jian 應間
ABE Junko : A Study on Chen Shou 陳壽’s Compilation of Zhu-ge-shi-ji 諸葛氏集
KAKIUCHI Tomoyuki : A Study on Zhu Dao-sheng 竺道生’s“li 理”Concept
KURODA Mamiko : The Characters of Ghost ―Marriage in Six Dynasties 六朝 and the Tang 唐 Dynasty ―Comparison with God-Marriage―
TAKANO Jun’ichi : On Chi Tsang 吉藏’s Fo-hsing 佛性 ―with Special Reference to Chung-tao 中道―
ICHIKAWA Kiyoshi : The Study of Lang Shi-yuan 郎士元 ―In Relation of Liu Yan 劉晏 and Kuai-xi 會稽 Poet Group after the Rebellion of An Lu-shan 安祿山―
MATSUNOKI Kika : A Study on Correcting of the Text on Medicine in North Song 北宋 Dynasty
IKEZAWA Shigeko : Su Shih 蘇軾 and Chin 琴
MINO Toyohiro : The Intercommunication between Lu Yu 陸游 and Fan Cheng-ta 范成大 in Cheng-tu 成都
SHIMIZU Shigeru : Geographic Knowledges in Shui-hu-zhuan 水滸傳
IGAWA Yoshitsugu : The Seventeen Century Jesuits’ Interpretation of the Yi-jing 易經 ―The Theistical Estimation of the Hexagram“Qian 謙”in Confucius Sinarum Philosophus―
FUNAKOSHI Satoshi : The Structural Problem of Love Story in Hong-lou-meng 紅樓夢
QIAN Ou : The Young Wang Guo-wei 王國維 and the Academic World of Meiji 明治

No.49 1997

NODA Takeshi : A study on the relationship between rhyme and the process of making“ChuCi LiSao”(楚辭離騷) ―Focusing on rhymes at the end of odd number lines and rhymes in center of the lines―
SAGAWA Mayuko : On the formation of the concept of Xiangyinjiu 郷飲酒 before the end of East-Han dynasty ―Focusing on the relation between Yili 儀禮 and Liji 禮記―
SATAKE Yasuko : Lao-zi 老子’s influence on the text of Zhang Hua 張華
FUKUI Yoshio : A study on the decline of the Six Dynasties’ four-word-poem 四言詩 ―with relation to belles-letters―
SATO Takeshi : The development of Yue-fu-shi 樂府詩 in the Six Dynasties and its relationship with the title of Yue-fu-shi 樂府詩
YAJIMA Mitsuko : On verses celebrating an abundant harvest ―From verses celebrating rainfall(Xi Yu-Shi「喜雨」詩)to verses celebrating snowfall(Xi Xue-Shi「喜雪」詩)―
MOROTA Tatsumi : The new interpretation of“Ying-ying zhuan”鶯鶯傳 seen through the“Ou Yang Zhan”歐陽詹 affair
―over“You Wu Lun” 尤物論 of the Mid-Tang 中唐―
SHOJIGUCHI Satoshi : Zhu Xi 朱熹’s views on Zeng Dian 曾點 ―A viewpoint of critique of Lu Xiang-shan 陸象山―
UJIOKA Masashi : The historical sources of Ping-hua 平話 ―A new perspective on the authorship of Ping-hua―
MIURA Shuichi : Xu Heng 許衡,a typical neo-Confucian thinker in the late Jin 金 and the early Yuan 元 Dynasty
NEGAYAMA Tohru : A Study of Editions in the Huan-hun chi 還魂記
ARAI Yoko : Zhang Pu 張溥 and Wu Weiye 呉偉業’s views on writing in their compilation of Suzhanggongwenji 蘇長公文集
OHNISHI Katsumi : Wang Chuan-shan 王船山’s theory on“Jun Xian 郡縣/Feng Jian 封建” ―His historical view and political thoughts―
MIZUKAMI Masaharu : Zang-lin 臧琳’s Jing-yi-za-ji 經義雜記 and its significance in the light of the times
NEGISHI Soichiro :   The Influence of T.Hunt and Taine on Zhou Zuoren’s 周作人 View of Literature
KITAOKA Masako : A study on Lei Shi-yu 雷石楡’s“Sabaku-no-Uta 沙漠の 歌”(Songs of Deserts) ―Poetry written in Japanese by Chinese poet―
WADA Hidenobu : “Gu 古”and“Jin 今” ―Literary historical thinking of China
MACHIDA Saburo : The Memories of“Gyoson Kaiho”

No.50 1998

TANIGUCHI Hiroshi : On the“Yu 語”of Lunyu 論語 and Guoyu 國語
ISHIKAWA Misao : A Study of Historical Research on Chuci 楚辭
KONDO Noriyuki : On the Significance of Dong Zhong-shu’s 董仲舒 Yuan 元 in His Thought
IKEHIRA Noriko : A Study on New Developments of Theses on Body(Xing 形)and Soul (Shen 神)in Chinese Buddhism ―Theses on Body and Soul of Lay Buddhists in Eastern Jin 東晉 and Liu Song 劉宋―
NUMAGUCHI Masaru : A Study of the Implied Meaning of the Seventeenth in“Twenty Yinjiu poems 飲酒二十首” ―from Tao Yuan-ming 陶淵明 to Han Yan-zhi 韓延之―
KAMEDA Masami : On the Idea of Zhong-Min 種民 in Shangqinghoushengdaojun Lieji 上清後聖道君列紀 with Relation to Taipingjing Chao 太平經鈔 Jiabu 甲部
MATSUNOKI Kika : The Chronological Change of the Classification and Estimation of Library Indexes on Chinese Medicine
ASAMI Yoji : “Shi zhong you hua 詩中有畫”and“Zhuo bi cheng hui 著壁成繪” ―the Poems and Pictures in China―
USAMI Bunri : The Problem of Form in Song 宋 Dynasty Theories of Painting
IKEZAWA Shigeko : Ding Wei 丁謂 and Xikun Chouchangji 西崑酬唱集
HUANG Dong-bai : The Spreading of the Xi-xiang 西廂 Story and the Romance 傳奇 ―on the Transition of the Term“the Romance”―
HYONO Kazue : On the Publications by the Lings 凌氏 in Wuxing 呉興 toward the end of Ming ―Ling Meng-chu 凌濛初 and the Publications―
YAMAGUCHI Hisakazu : A Guest for the Germ of Modern learning in Qing era
YI Hye-gyung : The Fluctuation of the Sense of the Values about the Way of Life Resulting from the Collapse of the World View of Tianxia 天下―from Bianfa Tongyi 變法通義 to Deyu Jian 徳育鑑 in Liang Qi-chao 梁啓超―
KORENAGA Shun : A Study on Ge Mai 戈麥’s Poetry ―A Characteristic Quality of Chinese Contemporary Poetry―
NARISAWA Masaru : A Study on“Du FU’s Poetry descended from Ji Qianjiazhu 集千家註系杜詩”,re-edited in the Chosun Dynasty ―As a Basic Study on the Elucidations Previous to Tusieonhae 杜詩諺解―
MACHI Senjuro : Yamawaki Toyo 山脇東洋 and the School of Sorai 徂徠 ―on the Reprinting Waitai Miyaofang 外臺祕要方

No.51 1999

KOBAYASHI Tetsuyuki : WOMAN’S RITES IN CANTO Shiguanli 士冠禮 OF“Yili 儀禮”
NANBU Hidehiko : Confucianism’s Establishing the Status of the State Religion(儒教國教化)in view of Arguments on Reforming the Institution of Ancestor’s Temples of Han Royal Family on the Later Period of Qian Han Dynasty ―Focusing the Qinqin(親親)・Zunzun(尊尊)Concept―
SHIMIZU Yoshio : The Real Circumstances behind the Compilation and Revision of Suishu Ching- chi-chih『隋書』經籍志(Bibliographical Section of the Sui History)
HIGASHI Hidetoshi : Guwenjia 古文家 and Xingjuan 行卷 in the Early North Song 北宋 Period―A Campaign for Keju 科擧 and Its Influence on the Revival of the Classics
HOKARI Yoshiaki : Su Shi 蘇軾’s poetry Shi 詩 and Ci 詞 on Chaoran Tai 超然臺 ―On the appellate incident in 9th Year of Xinning 煕寧―
SHIBATA Atsushi : On the Meanings of“Since Yan-zi(顏子)passed away,the Wisdom of Confucius has perished.”  ―Yan Hui(顏回)in the history of Song-Ming(宋明)Thought―
MIZOMOTO Shoji : The Laws of Thought in Zhuzi(朱子)’s Philosophy; The Relation between Xinge- rshang-xia(形而上-下)and Ti-yong(體-用)
OYAMA Kiyo : Restudy that Shifa Yuanliu 詩法源流 as an opinion of faked book
TANAKA Issei : Differentiation and Diffusion of Scripts of“Shagou Ji 殺狗記”in Nanxi 南戲 Style
GOYAMA Kiwamu : Xuan Xiunu(選秀女)and its Descriptions in the Dramas and Novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
LIAO Zhao-heng : The Reflection on the Mentality of the Literati of Jiangnan(江南the Yangtzu River Delta)by Jin Bao’s Bianxingtang Ji(『徧行堂集』)”
SHIROUZU Noriko : A Study on the Concubinage system of the period Minguo(1912~1949)in Modern Chinese Literature.
YAMAUCHI Kazue : Lu Xun 魯迅 and Gao Chang hong 高長虹
SEKINE Ken : A study about the peculiarity of A-Long’s work in the forties
MATSUO Yukitada : A Study on Chinese Development of“Shiji”詩跡,a Poetic Convention Referring to Places ―In Comparison with Japanese“Utamakura”歌枕―
NAGAO Naoshige : A Study on Guan Yu 關羽 reflected in the Poetry and the Prose of the Edo 江戸 period ―In relation to Sanguozhi Yanyi 三國志演義―
SHIRAISHI Shinko : Han Yu 韓愈、Liu Tsung-yuan 柳宗元 on Literary Theories in the School of Sorai 徂徠
NAOI Fumiko : Rai Sanyo’s 頼山陽 View of Womanhood and“Ju-ni en Zekku”十二媛絶句
YOSHIDA Kohei : Oshio Chusai 大鹽中齋 and Hayashi Ryosai 林良齋

No.52 2000

HASHIMOTO Akinori : A Change of Interpretation of“The Theory of An Old Man in the South Bank of the Han”of Zhuangzi 莊子―On Metaphor and Surprise―
SAGAWA Mayuko : On the Relationship between Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips Zi-yi 茲衣 and Li-ji 禮記 Zi-yi 緇衣―A Study on the Process of Making Confucian Texts in Pre-Qin Dynasty―
SHIN Hyeon : The“Shou 首”and the“Zan 贊”in Tai Xuan 太玄
WATANABE Toichiro : A Study of the Background of the Thought on“Kuan Zheng”寛政 of the Dong Han 東漢 Dynasty
HIGUCHI Yasuhiro : On Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei’s In Memorial Bi Gan
TAKAHASHI Hitoshi : On the Two Different Manuscripts of The Analects of Confucius with Annotations 論語義疏 by Huang Kan 皇侃 ―the Japanese Muromachi Manuscript 室町舊鈔本 and the Dunhuang Manuscript 敦煌本―
MIZOBE Yoshie : Fictionality of Tang Dynasty before the Rise of Chuanqi 傳奇: Based on the Comparative Analysis of“Huai-nan Lie-zhe”淮南獵者 of Ji-wen 紀聞 and“An-nan Lie-zhe”安南獵者 of Guang-yi-ji 廣異記
KAWAI Kozo : Guwen jia,old-style prose writers and Yang Xiong 揚雄
YAMADA Takashi : On Lin Yi-du 林疑獨’s Commentary on Zhuang-zi 莊子: An Examination of its Li 理,Xing 性 and Ming 命
KINOSHITA Tetsuya :  Features and Possibilities of Chu Hsi’s Reflections
KOMATSU Ken : A Study on Mai-wang-kuan 脈望館 Manuscripts of Yuan Tsa-chu 元雜劇
NEGAYAMA Tohru : The Revision of Mu-tan-ting Huan-hun-chi 牡丹亭還魂記 in Feng Menglung 馮夢龍’s Mo-han-chai Chung-ting San-hui-chin Feng-liu-meng Ch’uan-chi 墨憨齋重定三會親風流夢傳奇
HIROSAWA Yusuke : A Study on the Yu-shi Ming-yan 喩世明言 ―Forty-Volumes-Edition―
HYONO Kazue : The Four Editions of Shi-shuo Xin-yu 世説新語 by the Lings 凌氏 in Wu-xing 呉興
TSURUNARI Hisaaki : On Classical Specializations of the Civil Examinations of Ming Dynasty
FUNAKOSHI Satoshi : Two Worlds in Hong Lou Meng 紅樓夢 ―Focusing on Qing Wen 晴雯’s Death―
AKIYOSHI Shu : The Influence of Akutagawa Ryunosuke 芥川龍之介 on Lu Xun 魯迅’s Ye-cao 野草
DENG Jie : Between the“Patriotism”and the“Art” ―Wen I-to 聞一多 and the Poets of the Tsinghua 清華 Group―
FURUYA Akihiro : Causative Phrases―the Vt 令 Vi-structure―of Qi-min Yao-shu 齊民要術

No.53 2001

MORI Masashi : Rituals for Mountain Deities in the Wuzangshanjing 五藏山經 Section of the Shanhaijing 山海經,
SAKADE Yoshinobu : The Process of Thinking about “Governing the Nation” (治國) and “Cultivating the Body” (治身) in Ancient China : The Idea of the Mutual Interaction of Heaven and Humans (天人相關說) and the Cultivation of Qi (氣)
UCHIYAMA Naoki : The Style of Prefaces in the Han 漢 Period : On the Phrase Xu-Yue 敍曰 in the Shuowenjiezi 說文解字, “Xu 敍”
SANO Daisuke : The Concept of the Rule of Law in the Guwen Xiaojing Kong Anguo zhuan 古文孝經孔安國傳
ŌGAMI Masami : Neither Disturbed Nor Compelled : On Ji Kang’s 嵆康 “Nan Ziran Haoxue Lun 難自然好學論”
YOSHIMURA Makoto : On the Relationship between Xuanzang 玄奘 and the Imperial Court in the Early Tang Dynasty
TANIGUCHI Mayumi : Du Fu 杜甫’s Social Criticism and the Fang Guan 房琯Affair
YASHIKI Nobuharu : The Novels of the Tang Dynasty and the Zhengao 眞誥
KIRISHIMA Kaoruko : Two Aspects of Meng Guang 孟光’s Story : On the Character of Bai Juyi 白居易’s Wife and Hojo Masako 北條政子
NISHIGAMI Masaru : Guwen (Chinese Classical Prose) and Memories of the Mother : On Ouyang Xiu’s Shuang gang-Qian biao 瀧岡阡表
ABE Junko : The Date of Compilation and Sources of the Guwenyuan 古文苑
MIYA Noriko : The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms in the Mongol Court
TAKEUCHI Masahiko : Guan Yu 關羽’s Various Appellations in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Sangguozhi Yanyi 三國志演義) : A Clue to Tracing Its Textual Development
MABUCHI Masaya : From Liu Zongzhou to Chen Que : One Aspect of Changes in Confucianism in the Ming-Qing Transition
ASAI Kuniaki : Fang Bao 方苞’s “Yi fa 義法” and the Critiques of Examination Essays
YOSHIDA Jun : Weng Fanggang 翁方綱’s Classical Stydies : On the Relationship between Song 宋 Learning and Han 漢 Learning in the Evidential Scholarship of the Qianlong 乾隆 and Jiaqing 嘉慶 Eras
OGAWA Yōichi : The Influence of Portraits in Short Stories of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
NAKANO Tomohiro : On the Literary Activities of Shen Congwen 沈從文 in Wusong 吳淞
IHARA Daisaku : The Emergence and History of the Resultative Complement Structure  “V jian 見”
JIN Peiyi : The Significance of Kamei Nanmei’s Rongo goyū in the History of Sinology in Japan

No.54 2002

ZHUANG Bing : A Study on the Writing Period of Xiaojing 孝經
IKEDA Shuzo : The Creation and Character of the School of Chunqiu Zuoshizhuan in the Later Han Period
BABA Hideo : A study on Xi Kang’s 嵆康 “Guan Cai Lun”
KANO Yu : One aspect of the court-popular songs in West Jin 西晉 Dynasty
KONO Kimiko : A Stuky on Renaissance Stories in “Soushenji『搜神記』”
SANO Seiko : Zhiguai (志怪 : Records of Anomalies) as a Kind of Zazhuan (雜傳 Collections of Biographies) 
SAEKI Masanobu : A study of Liang period “Shiyanshi 侍宴詩”
MOROTA Tatsumi: The aethetic sense-of Changhenge 長恨歌
MATUMOTO Hajime : Taohuayuan 桃花源 in Tang poetry : The Pleasure of unfulfillment
OKAMOTO Fujiaki : On the Roles of Canjun Xi 參軍戯 in Tang 唐
AITANI Yoshimitsu : On Manuscript Copies and Restoration of Lost Text of Chongwen zongmu 崇文總目
KONDO Masanori : On the Basic Concept that Anyone can Become a Sage through Training
MOCHIDUKI Masumi : Phonetical Bachground of “Longkal Shoujing 龍龕手鏡”
MATSUMOTO Takeaki: On the theory of revenge appealed in Hu An-guo’s 胡安國 “chunqiuzhuan” (春秋傳)
LIANG Yin : The filial piety of the twenty-four filial figures
UCHIDA Kenta : The period of “Xuewen 學問” known as the Yuan Hongdao 袁宏道 later years
SATO Rentaro : The tendency of Zen thought of Wang Shuren’s school and it’s estimation
KAWAI Yoko : Relationship between Story and Drama in the Ming to the early Qing period ; Focusing on Feng Menglong’s “San Yan”
XIAO Yanyuan : Yuan Mei 袁枚’s Girl Disciple, Qu Bingyun 屈秉筠 and Her Work : The Drawing of Fairies in Flower Palace 蕊宮花史圖
KONDO Tatsuya : Hu Feng and Yenan Talks : in Chungking in 1945 ― in HongKong in 1948
OOTA Tooru : Oh the Xinhuayiduan 心華臆斷 which is the commentary of Du Fu 杜甫’s poems

No.55 2003

TAKEDA Kenji : On the Relationship between the Xing Zi Ming Chu 性自命出 of the Guodian Manuscripts and Xing Qing Lun 性情論 owned by the Shanghai Museum
WATANABE Yoshihiro : The public and the private in the period of Three Kingdoms
SATAKE Yasuko : The Polyphonic Style of Lu Ji (陸機)’s Yan Lian Zhu (演連珠)
OHIRA Sachiyo : Guo Pu 郭璞’s World View as Seen through his Portrayal of the Mysterious Changjiang River in “Jiang-Fu 江賦”
INOMATA Nobuhiro : About the relation between Guo Xiang (郭象)’s thougth and Huang Kan (皇侃)’s one in Lun-yu Yi-Shu (論語義疏)
USUI Shunji : “Handing about Tian Tai Shan-Ji 天台山記”
UCHIDA Seiichi : The Study of Publication Dating of the book “WangYoucheng Wenji (王右丞文集』)” in the Seikado Bunko Library (『靜嘉堂文庫』)
NISHIWAKI Tsuneki : Final Testaments of Buddhists in the T’ang Dynasty
NABESHIMA Asuka : On “xiu shen 修身” and “zhi zhi知止” in Li Chien-lo’s 李見羅 thought
NOMURA Ayuko : On the Genealogy of Gui Youguang 歸有光’s “Xianbishilue 先妣事略”: The Formation and Development of the Genre of Prose Epitaph on Deceased Mothers
KOZUKA Yoshihiro : A Study about the History of “BanQiao ZaJi (『板橋雜記』)”: Focusing on YuHuai (餘懷)’s friendship relation in the latter part
OKI Yasushi : A Story on an Antique Incense Burner of the Xuande era : Fang Gongqian and Mao Xiang
OGAWA Tsuneo : On loquacity of Huang Zunxian’s verse : Its stereotypes and narration
KOBAYASHI Takeshi : Zhang Tai-yan 章太炎 “Qiushu 訄书” and Meiji Thought 明治思潮 : Through European Modern Thought in them
SUGINO Motoko : Liu YuSheng and Japan : A Japanopile’s Footprints in War-time Shanghai
SHIZUNAGA Takeshi : A Bibliographical Study on Baishi Wenji 白氏文集 : A Partial Hand written Copy of Volume 66 Held by Tokyo National Museum
OTA Toru : On Japanese Chanlin (禪林)’s acceptance of Chinese commentary on DuFu (杜甫)’s poetry
SHIMIZU Toru : On the Influence of “Shijingyokusetu (詩人玉屑)” upon Ito Jinsai (伊藤仁齋)’s Poetics
ITO Tomoatsu : ITO Togai’s 伊藤東崖 Criticism on the Ten Wings 十翼 of the Book of Changes
AIHARA Shigeru : Some Rules of Japanese-Chinese Translation

No.56 2004

SHIROYAMA Takanobu : The Formation of JiaYi’s 賈誼 Xinshu 新書
KUDOH Takushi : Countermeasures against the Feudal Lords’ Kingdoms in Jia Yi Xinshu 賈誼新書
TSUCHIYA Satoshi : The Writings of Bao Zhao 鮑照 and His Standpoint: With a Focus on His Travel Poems
ANDO Nobuhiro : The Writings of King Zhao 趙王 of the Northern Zhou 北周 and Yu Xin’s 庾信 Influence: With Reference to the Shū Chōō Shu 周趙王集” in Emperor Shomu’s 聖武天皇 Zasshū 雜集
HASEBE Tsuyoshi : Du Fu’s 杜甫 “Ballad of the Army Carts 兵車行” and the Old Yuefu 古樂府
TANIGUCHI Takashi : Descriptions of Music in Tang Poetry: Their Typology and Bai Juyi’s 白居易 “Lute Girl’ s Song琵琶引”
TAKAHASHI Miki : On Du Mu’s 杜牧 Poems about the Frontier Regions: With Reference to the Compilation of Collections of His Writings and His Descriptions of “He-Huang 河湟”
IZAWA Koichi : the Rise and Fall of the School of Wang Anshi 王安石: Cai Bian 蔡卞 and Qin Hui 秦檜
MISAWA Michio : Yang Jian’s 楊簡 Method of Interpreting the Confucian Classics: With a Focus on His Yangshi Yizhuan 楊氏易傳
ITOH Sintaro : Guan Yu 關羽 and Diao Chan 貂蟬
TAKEUCHI Masahiko : Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮 and Choubi 籌筆 Post-station: A Heroic Legend and Its Setting
TSUCHIYA Ikuko : The Transmission of Texts of Yuan Drama 元雜劇 from the Ming 明Onwards
KAWASHIMA Yuko : The Conception behind the Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅: Its Birth from the Shuihu Zhuan 水滸傳
MATSUMURA Takashi : Zhu Yunming 祝允明 on the Supernatural: From the Yuguai 語怪 to the Zuizhi Lu 罪知錄
WANG Yuwen : Jiang Shiquan’s 蒋士銓 Playwriting and the Literary Inquisition
NAKAZATOMI Satoshi : Inventing the “Inner World”: A Stylistic Approach
HAGINO Shuji : Xie Bingxin 謝冰心 and the Writer’s Spirit: Her Purity of Mind
SUN Meng : A Study of Twelve Lost Works from “the Tang 唐: With a Focus on Works Recorded in the Nihonkoku Genzaisho Mokuroku 日本國見在書目錄
KAWAHARA Hideki : Seongho 星湖 on the Mind: The Four-Seven Debate during the Joseon朝鮮 Dynasty and Aristotle’s Anima

No.57 2005

YATA Naoko : A Study of the Search for Women in the “Li Sao” in the Chuci
KANO Yu : Cao Pi’s Yuefu on Stage : On Expressions of Music and Dance in the Yuefu of Cao Pi
KITAJIMA Daigo : The Acceptance of Daoist Thinking in the Case of Xie Lirigyun
ŌMURA Kazuhito : From “Medium” to “Young Woman” : The Young Woman in the Yuefu “Sanfu Yan”
NAKAKI Ai : Bai juyi’s “Pillow”: The Delineation of a Sense of Satisfaction Based on Physiological Sensations
KOJIMA Tsuyoshi : Two Minds: Criticism by and of Zhu Xi
TANAKA Tomoyuki : The View of Emotions in the Jin Ping Mei: Perceptions of What Drives Emotions and Their Expression
HONDA Michitaka : Circumstances Surrounding Zibai Zhenke’s Commendation of Juefan Huihong: Causing a Stir among Intellectuals in the Late Ming
NAKAJIMA Ryūzō : The Initial Circumstances of the Printing of the Jiaxing Tripitaka
EJIRI Tetsujō : Chen Qiyuan’s Views on Short Prefaces in His Maoshi Jigu Bian
ISHIDA Shiho : The Refining of Innate Nature: The Thought of Liu Yiming
MIZUKAMI Masaharu : The Compilation of the Quan Shanggu Sandai Qin-Han Sanguo Liuchao Wen: One Aspect of the Academic Functions of Private Secretariats during the Qing
KITAZAWA Kōichi : Kang Youwei’s Views on the Civilized/Barbarian Order
NAGAI Hidemi : On Lu Xun’s “Divorce”
YANG Xiaowen : Feng Zikai and Kuriyagawa Hakuson: Feng Zikai’s Reception of Kumon no Shōchō
WANG Jingyu : Distinctive Features of Gozan Kudaishi: With a Focus on Those Drawing Their Topics from Poems by Du Fu
YUKI Yoshinobu : The Cosmology of Nakai Riken: Reading His Astronomical Charts
SATŌ Haruhiko : On an Incomplete Edition of the Shuihu Zhuan Held by the National Library: Is It a Jiajing Edition?

No.58 2006

ISHIDA Hidemi : “I Qua Body” and the Other: The Zhuangzi and the Other
MIYAZAKI Yoriko : The Origins and Vicissitudes of the Zangshu Attributed to Guo Pu
UCHIDA Seiichi : The Inscription on the “Xiao Heshang Lingta Ming”: A Reconstruction of Epigraphical Material Describing an Association with the Brothers Wang Wei and Wang Jin
SU Mingming : The Poems about Tea by the Poet-Monk Jiaoran in the History of Tang Tea-drinking Culture
YAMAGUCHI Wakana : On Su Shi’s Poems about Snoring
SHIRAI Jun : How Was the Zhuzi Xunmeng Jueju Read? : One Aspect of the Spread and Dissemination of Neo-Confucianism
DOHI Katsumi : The Orientation towards Songs: The Leading Discussion of Literary Genre in Twelfth- to Fourteenth-Century China
TSUCHIYA Ikuko : A Study of the Transformation of Dramatic Texts into Reading Matter: With a Focus on the Jiguge Text of the Baituji
OOBA Kazuo : Wang Yangming’s “Resolve”: Self-discipline Reduced to Impulse
ARAKI Ryūtarō : A Study of Proponents of the Actualization of Innate Knowledge during the Wanli Era: From the Perspective of Holism and Sequentialism
OGAWA Haruhisa : A Severe Yet Warm Gaze on the Human Condition: The World of Wang Chuanshan’s Shangshu Yinyi and Shi Guang Zhuan
SATŌ Kōichi : On the Phonetic Glosses in Qiu Zhao’ao’s Dushi Xiangzhu: The Significance of More Than Ten Thousand Phonetic Glosses
ARIKI Daisuke : The Compilation of the Quan Tangshi by Imperial Command as Seen from Cao Yin’s Memorials
TAMURA Masaru : The Selection of People to be Worshipped at Confucian Temples in Yongzheng 2 and Its Background: With a Focus on the Identification of the Instigator and His Influence
KAWAJI Sachiyo : Confucian Thought in Taiwan under the Current of Taishō Democracy
ŌHIGASHI Kazushige : Lu Xun’s Nahan and the Emergence of Modern Author Studies: The Act of Reading in China in the First Half of the 1920s and the “Preface” to Nahan
KOYASU Kayoko : Zhou Zuoren and Folksongs: A Study of Chinese Intellectuals and Folklore
OKAZAKI Yumi : A Study of the Sichuan Tangmen: Stories of Knights-errant and the Storytellers’ Texts Yongzheng Jianxia Tu and Sanxiajian
NAKAYASU Mari : On the Manuscript Families of Copies of the Nihonkoku Genzaisho Mokuroku
HIRATA Shōji : A Study of the Life of Huang Gongshao

No.59 2007

Kusano Tomoko : The Relationship between the Chu Bamboo-Slip Jingjianneizhi and Bao Shuya Yu Xi Peng Zhi Jian from Shangbo and Their Thought
Egawa Tomo : The Cosmogony of the Chu Bamboo-Slip Gengxian from Shangbo: In Connection with the Silk Manuscript Daoyuan from a Han Tomb at Mawangdui
Tanaka Yasuhiko : The Depiction of the Three Kingdoms in the Shishuo Xinyu and Liu Yiqing
Narita Kentaro : The Verse Genre Shi, Concerned with Calligraphic Styles, and Its Milieu
Yoshida Fumiko : On the Structure of Poems in Lines of Varying Length to Be Seen in Dunhuang Folksongs: With a Focus on Trisyllabic Lines
Tominaga Kazuto : The Transmission of Li Shan’s Commentary on the Wenxuan: From the Tang Edition to the You Mao Edition
Shino Yoshinobu : Calligraphical Methodology and Calligraphical Sense: On the Position of Zhang Xu
Chen Chong : Bo Juyi’s Poems Written on Behalf of a Friend’s Deceased Wife: The Death of Yuan Zhen’s Wife Wei Cong and an Exchange of Poems of Mourning
Mikami Eiji : A Consideration of “Frivolity” during the Tang
Fujiwara Yuko : The Caotang Shiyu and Writers’ Groups (Shuhui)
Izumi Hitomi : On the Formation of the Image of Yuchi Jingde in Yuan Drama
Lin Kueiju : On Yu Xiangdou’s Lieguo Qianbian Shierchao
Takeuchi Masahiko : How Should Body Height Be Interpreted in the Sanguo Zhi Yanyi?: An Introductory Study of Expressions of Height in Chinese Historical Accounts
Saito Masataka : The Thesis of Oppositional Relations and the Theory of Water Circulation in the Dongxi Jun
Sengoku Tomoko : The Image of Girls in Ming-Qing Plays and Novels as Seen from Genealogies
Akamatsu Miwako : An Examination of the Building of a “Literary Field” in Taiwan under Martial Law: The Literary Activities of the China Youth Corps and the Editor Ya Hsien
lizuka Yutori : The Dramatization of Lu Xun’s Works
Takeuchi Hiroyuki : Zhu Qianzhi’s Idea of “Harmonious Communism”
Ikeda Masahiro : The Nihon Shoki and Encyclopaedias of the Six Dynasties
Matsumura Takumi : The Medical Thought of Hanaoka Seishū

No.60 2008

Murata Susumu : On the Line “The Myriad Things, by Acquiring the One, Are Alive” in Chapter 39 of the Laozi
Takashiba Asako : Fear of Heat: Heat and Coolness as Seen in the “Zhaohun” of the Chuci and Poetry of the Han and Wei
Sutō Yōichi : The Queen Mother of the West from the “Void”: That Child Is Me
Takahashi Yasuhiro : Wei Zhao’s “Wu Music for Percussion and Wind Instruments”: On the Debate about the Legitimacy of the Sun Wu
Sobajima Shina : Poet-Monks of the Tang and Monks of the Six Dynasties
Taniguchi Takashi : Images of Music: With a Focus on Han Yu’s “Listening to the Reverend Ying Play the Lute” and Li He’s “Ballad of Li Ping’s Harp
Jinnai Takafumi : A Study of the Term Chouchang in Wang Wei’s Poetry: Ideal and Reality in the Villa by the Wang River
Yoshikawa Satoshi : On Han Yu’s Long Retrospective Poems: In Comparison with Du Fu
Tachibana Hidenori : The Development of the Literature of Poetic Exchange in the Mid-Tang: The Path to the Liu-Bo Changhe Ji
Nakanishi Hisami : Qisong’s Defence of Buddhism
Nakao Ken’ichirō : Sima Guang’s Life during Retirement in Luoyang and His Literary Activities
Shi Lishan : On an Old Korean Manuscript of the Huizhou Edition of the Zhuzi Yulei: With a Discussion of the Formation of the Formats of Zhuzi’s Classified Sayings
Matsuno Toshiyuki : A Study of Wang Fuzhi’s Theory of Moral Cultivation: With a Focus on His Interpretation of “Binding It Together with a Single Thread”
Matsuzaki Tetsuyuki : Ritual Scholarship in Zhedong: The Picture of the World Reflected in Wan Sida’s Xueli Zhiyi
Shirai Sumiyo : The Transformation of Qu Qiubai’s Identity as an Intellectual in the 1930s
Yamaguchi Mamoru : The Textual Transformation of Ba Jin’s Family: The Novel, the Plays, and the Films
Hashimoto Yōsuke : The Flow of Narrative Voice and the “Stream of Words” in Gao Xingjian’s Soul Mountain
Abe Mitsumaro : Itō Jinsai’s Theory of the “Way of Heaven”
Shiraishi Shinko : The Significance of Lit erary Theory in Dazai Shundai’s Thought

No.61 2009

SUWAKI Takeshi: The Han Emperor Wendi’s Testamentary Decree and Developments in the System of Reduced Periods of Mourning : With a Focus on “Changing Months to Days”
SANO Daisuke : The Meaning of Consanguinity in Tales of Filial Piety
TAKAHASHI Mutsumi: Differences between the Laozi Zhigui and Wang Bi’s Commentary on the Laozi
KANŌ Mitsunori: The Sound Glosses of the Wenxuan Yinjue and the Interpretation of the Wenxuan : With Reference to the Two Characters Jian/Xian 見 and Le/Yue/Yao
KONNO Tatsuya: Changes in the Assessment of Wang Wei’s Wangchuan Ji and Wangchuan Tu in the Tang and Song: From the Perspective of the Evaluation of Poems and Paintings by Men of Letters
TOSAKI Tetsuhiko : Bai Juyi’s Composition of the “Epitaph of the Master Singing Drunk” and Inscriptions of It
YIXILAMU : Images of the Poet Jia Dao: Between Fact and Fiction
ENDŌ Seiki: On the Awareness of Time in Li He’s Poems : The Time of Goddesses and the Eternal Present
KANO Rumiko : “Listening to the Rain at Night with Beds Side by Side”: The Bond between Su Shi and Su Zhe
FUJII Michiaki : “Circulating” Li: A Reconsideration of Zhu Xi’s Li
SHIRAl Jun : The Publication and Transformation of Xue Xuan’s Dushu Lu in East Asia
LIAO Zhaoheng : A Reexamination of the Penitential Thought of Late Ming Literati: With a Focus on Yuan Zhongdao’s “Xinlü”
SAITŌ Masataka : On the Brain and the Heart in Fang Yizhi’s Wuli Xiaoshi
SHIAU Hanchen : Homosexuality in Li Yu’s Fiction: From the Perspectives of “Genuine Feelings” and the “Doctrine of Ritual Propriety”
FUNAKOSHI Satoshi: Sudden Changes in Qiaojie’s Size and the Death of Lin Daiyu: A Study of the Structure of the Last Forty Chapters of the Hongloumeng
WU Honghua : On Zhou Zuoren’s Assessment of Li Zhuowu
TSUMORI Aki : Types of Time Pertaining to the Native Place: Shen Congwen and the Image of the Unchanging Quiet Countryside
WATANABE Haruo : The Position of Sun Li : His Distinctive Character as a Liberated-Area Writer                      
SATŌ Susumu: A Brief Consideration of “Daochu”

No.62 2010

TAKATO Satoshi : A Study of the Role and Character of Mingshen
YANAGAWA Junko : The Relationship between Old-Style Poems and Early Yuefu of the Han Dynasty
WATANABE Yoshihiro : Lu Ji’s Theory of “Enfeoffment” and the Aristocracy
ŌBUCHI Takayuki: On the Compilation of the Yiwen Leiju
KAMITSUKA Yoshiko : A Study of the Haikong Zhizang Jing (contd.): With a Focus on Fasc.10, “Puji Pin”
YAMADA Kazuhiro : On Wei Yingwu’s Term as Prefect of Suzhou
YOSHIKAWA Satoshi: Liu Yuxi’s Perceptions of Other Cultures
NINOMIYA Minako : The “Literature of Petty Officials” in the Case of Yao He: With a Focus on Thirty Poems Composed in Wugong County
IZAKI Takayuki : Sikong Tu’s Theory of Literature : What Is “Meaning beyond Flavour”?
TACHIBANA Chihaya : A Study of the Performance of Sūtra Lecture Texts: Focusing on an Analysis of P.2418 (Foshuo Bumo Enzhong Jing Jiangjingwen)
NAKA Sumio : A Study of the Root-Branch Theory of the Investigation of Things
KAI Yūichi: Contacts between Lu You and Sichuanese: In Connection with Fan Chengda’s Appointment to Chengdu
OKUNO Shintarō: Liu Chenweng’s Literary Criticism and “Emotion”
YOSHIMURA Hiromichi: An Examination of the Xuan Shi Yanyi, a Southern Song Study of the Wenxuan
CHEN Wenhui : A Study of the Zhuye Zhou
BABA Akiyoshi : The Background to the Story of the Campaign against the Liao in the Shuihu Zhuan: The Evolution of the Shuihu Zhuan as a Work Centred on Tales of Loyal Heroes of the Song
IKŌGA Takashi: Wang Longxi’s Views on Yanzi
KUME Shinpei: Li Erqu’s Ideas on “Reflection and Practice”: With Reference to His Interpretation of the Four Books
OGASAWARA Jun : On Expressions Suggestive of Soviet Literature in Wang Meng’s Novels: Focusing on a Comparison with the Novels of Ostrovsky, Gorky, and Aitmatov
SHIROUZU Noriko : Imagining Native Places in Taiwanese Women’s Literature: With a Focus on Chen Xue’s “Child on the Bridge”

No.63 2011

TAKEDA Tokimasa : The Theory of Divination Based on the Movement of Xing and De
IKEDA Yukiya : Liu Zhou’s Thought in the Liuzi
KANO Rumiko : A Study of Su Shi’s Poems about Plum Blossoms: The “Soul” of Plum Blossoms
HARADA Ai : Su Che’s Transmission of Su Shi’s Poems “Rhyming with the Poems of Tao Yuanming”
ŌIWAMOTO Kōji : On the “Shengyin yunpu” in the Huangji jingshijie qishujue
MATSUURA Satoko : The Lineage of Generals of the Yang Family and Stone Inscriptions: In Connection with the Development of Tales about Generals of the Yang Family
UJIOKA Shinji : The 30-Volume Version of the Shuihu zhuan
UEHARA Kyūichi : Editions of the Li Zhuowu xiansheng piping Xiyouji
ARAKI Takeshi : On the Repeated Descriptions in the Jin Ping Mei
HARIMOTO Takafumi : Theories of the Soul in Catholic Treatises of the Late Ming
SENGOKU Tomoko : The Representation of Adopted Children in Mao Zonggang’s Edition of the Sanguo zhi yanyi
HORIIKE Nobuo : The Second Generation of Chinese Islamic Philosophers: Ma Zhu and His Thought
OGATA Tomoko : On the Guoyu Quoted in Duan Yucai’s Shuowen jiezi zhu
OZAKI Jun’ichirō : On Jiao Xun’s Understanding of Yiguan: The Characteristics and Significance of His View of “Self-cultivation and Rule of Others”
TAKEMURA Noriyuki : The Poems in the Shengji tu by Gu Yuan of the Qing as Seen from the History of Ming-Qing Literature
IWATA Kazuko : The Circulation of Prosimetric Tales about “Incognito Inspection Trips” in Hunan during the Late Qing and Early Republican Period
MORI Masako : Illuminated by Torchlight: Zhou Zuoren and Sexology
NAKAMARU Takafumi: The Writing Style of Kanbun Diaries and Chinese Works: The Go-nijō Moromichiki as the Diary of an Imperial Regent
MATSUI Makiko : Kaihō Seiryō’ s Rōshi kokuji kai: One Aspect of the Development of Laozi Studies in the Sorai School

No.64 2012

MAEHARA Ayano : Astronomical Theories and Ideas about Valuing Water in Zhang Heng’s Lingxian
TANAKA Ikuya: On the Five Tones Used by Li Deng and Lü Jing
MYŌJIN Hiroshi : The Logic of “Emptiness” and “Nothingness” in the Zhaolun
NOMA Fumichika : From Yishu Studies to the Wujing Zhengyi: The Fate of the Dialogic Style
TANEMURA Yukiko : Luo Binwang’s “Poem on the Imperial Capital” and Empress Wu Zetian’s Move to Luoyang
SASAKI Satoshi : Manuscripts of the Kaiyuan zhanjing and How They Have Been Inherited since Early Modern Times
NAKA Junko : The Music Culture of Shu in the Middle to Late Tang: With a Focus on Contacts with Chang’an
HIGASHI Hidetoshi : The Discovery of Ninety-six Letters by Ouyang Xiu
SAITŌ Shigeru : Rhyming with the poems of earlier poets: With a Focus on Su Shi’s Poems “Rhyming with the Poems of Tao Yiianming”
HARADA Makoto : The Significance of the Maoshij uyao tu in the History of Commentaries on the Shijing
TSUJII Yoshiteru : Zhuzai in Zhu Xi’s Philosophy: Questions Concerning All Relationships and Individual Responsibility
UCHIYAMA Seiya : The Language of Literature in the Late Song and Early Yuan: The Fate of the Late-Tang Style
TAMURA Saiko : The Tale of the Ugly Woman Zhongli Chun: The Variety Show Zhongli Chun zhiyong ding Qi and the Drum-song Yinglie chunqiu
INOKUCHI Chiyuki : A Study of the Writing Process behind the Sanguo zhi yanyi
ARAKI Tatsuo : The “Jiajing Edition” of the Shuihu zhuan and Early Full Recensions of the Shihu zhuan
QIAO Yuyu : Zhang Lingyi’s Home life and Literature: The Conflict between “Talented Women” and “Virtuous Women” in Women Weiters of Tongcheng during the Qing
KAO Tsai-wen : The “Pastoral” in Yu Dafu’s Writings: From the Xiqing sanji to Methods for the Ill-fated
PEI Liang : The Creation of a Literary Group and the Establishment of Modern Lingnan Literature: The Position of the Guangzhou Branch of the Literary Research Association
HAMADA Maya : When I Was a Student: The Narration of Recollections in Zhang Ailing’s Tongxue shaonian dou bujian
SEKIGUCHI Jun : A Study of Religious Rituals as a Form of Li: In Comparison with Religious Rituals in Japan

No.65 2013

AZUMA Jūji : Rethinking Confucianism: Rites, Religious Services, Gods, and the Five Classics
HAMAMURA Yoshihisa & MIZUNO Minoru : A Structural Analysis of the “Guofeng” in the Shijing
OZAKI Tsutomu : On the Conventional Phrase “Yi yi hu” in Tao Yuanming’s “Back Home Again Chant”
ENDŌ Seiki: Cyclical Time and the Death of Immortals as Seen in the Poems of Li He
HASEGAWA Masashi : A Study of Yuan Zhen’s “Lyric on Lianchang Palace”
NINOMIYA Minako : The “Small Space” of Garden Groves: With a Focus on the Writings of Bo juyi
FUKUTANI Akira : Developments in the Thesis of Congruence between the Ideas of Confucius and Mencius and Zhuzi’s Position: With a Focus on Theories of Human Nature
ABE Wataru : Li Zhi’s Views of Life and Death: From Fear of Death to Choosing Death
KOMATSU Ken : On the Qilin ge: Drama and Narrative Tales about the Sui and Tang
LIAN Fan : Transmission Tables and Teacher-Student Relationships in the Song-Yuan xue’an: Their Content and Academic Significance
SHINO Yoshinobu : From Philosophy to a Philosophy of Life: With Reference to Li Shicen
YAMAMOTO Kyōko : Changes in the Customs of “Invoking the Soul of the Dead” and “Reporting to a Temple” in North China during the Early Modern Period
HANATO Masahiro : The Influence of the Zihui on the History of Japanese Character Dictionaries
SANO Daisuke : Toleration of the Unfilial Act of Parricide in Japan
MINAMIZAWA Yoshihiko : The Reception of the Kongzi jiayu in Japan: With a Focus on the Tokugawa Period
NOMURA Hideto : “Fixing the Mind on the Gen Hexagram in the Back” in Satō Issai’s Theory of “Quiet Sitting”: In Comparison with Lin Zhao’en

No.66 2014

TAKATO Satoshi : The Relationship between Wu and Kuang in Rishu
AOYAMA Daisuke : On the Subject Matter of the “Yue ming (Fu Yue zhi ming)” among the Tsinghua University Bamboo Slips: With Reference to Its Notion of “Heaven” and the Tale of Fu Yue
NISHIYAMA Hisashi : Changes in Views of the Qin Burning of the Books
KURIYAMA Masahiro : Zuo Si’s “fu of Three Capitals (“Sandu fu”) and Wudi of the Western Jin (Sima Yan)
NISHIO Kazuko : Factors behind the Expanded Reception of the Taiping Guangji during the Southern Song
FUJITA Takumi : A Study of the Characters Gan 乾 and Qian
CHEN Wenhui : Love and Warfare in Yuan Drama
SAKURAGI Yōko : The Season of Late Autumn in the Play Wutong Yu
NISHIKAWA Yoshiki : The Popularity of Success Stories in Popular Historical Literature of the Yuan: With a Focus on the Xue Rengui Zheng Liao Shilüe
SATŌ Mai : Zhang Juzheng’s Interpretation of Mencius and Its Reception in Europe
MIURA Shūichi : The Philosophical Activities of Education Intendant Wang Zongmu and Wang Yangming’s Leading Disciples
HIRATSUKA Noriyoshi: On the Wusao Sanji
SENGA Yuka : The White Lotus Teachings in the Guilian Meng by Su’an Zhuren
KOJIMA Akiko : The Late-Qing Magazine Jiaoyu Shijie and Wang Guowei: An Examination of the Background to Its Editing on the Basis of an Investigation of Unattributed Articles
IKEDA Tomoe : The Transformation of Luping, “Arsène Lupin of the East”: The “Fake World” of Shanghai during the Japanese Occupation
MATSUZAKI Hiroko : Zheng Qingwen’s Short Stories “Bitter Melon” and “Qingming Festival” and Their Textual Transformation in the Play Qingming Festival
MATSUMURA Shigeki : Poets’ Societies Attended by Nagao Uzan in Shanghai
FUJII Shōzō : From Natsume Sōseki’s Botchan to Lu Xun’s True Story of Ah Q: With Reference to Maki Makijirō’s “Manchurian Problem,” the Chinese Home Invasion Incident, and the Slide Incident, and also Touching on the Genealogy of the Images of the Women Kiyo and Mrs. Wu

No.67 2015

ASANO Yūichi : The Solitary Soul: The Image of Qu Yuan in “Divination” and “The Fisherman” in the Chuci
SUZUKI Tatsuaki : On Dramatic Narration in the Allegories of the Zhuangzi
MAKIZUMI Etsuko : On Jia Yi’s Rhapsodies
KASE Tatsuo : The “Shifu Lüe” in the “Yiwen Zhi” of the Hanshu and Rhapsodies in the Former Han
KATŌ Fumiaki : A Study of Wang Ji’s Poems “Sitting Alone in the Mountains, to Oneself” and “Answer to Oneself”: The Image of Tao Yuanming as a Medium of Negation
SENGOKU Tomoko : The Development of Stories about the Abduction of Women by Monkeys in Chinese Fiction
CHEN Youzhen : Su Shi’s Breakthrough in Canonical Studies: Distinctive Features of His Interpretations in the Shuzhuan and His Aims
PAN Chao : On a Ming Manuscript of the Yijian Zhi Yizhi  Held by Shanghai Library: With a Focus on Hong Mai’s Revision of the Yijian Zhi
MATSUBA Kumiko : Wang Yinglin and His Thought under Yuan Rule
WANG Chunchun : Painting and Nourishing life: With Reference to Statements by Dong Qichang
ARATA Motonori : Xu Sanli’s Haichang Discussion Meetings and Huang Zongxi’s “Haichang Lectures on the Five Classics”
TANAKA Yūki : Jiang Yong’s Interpretation of Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament and the Study of the River Chart and Writ of the Luo River
KIM Moonkyong : Exchange between Chinese Nationals and Korean Envoys to Beijing in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: With Reference to Articles Formerly Belonging to Dr. Fujitsuka Chikashi
IMAIZUMI Hideto : Shen Congwen’s Silence and Itinerancy: On the Compilation of Middle School Chinese Textbooks during the Sino-Japanese War
JIANG Jianwei : “Life of the People” in Aizawa Seishisai’s Idea of “National Polity”

No.68 2016

DŌZONO Yoshiko : Xie Lingyun’s (Euvre and the Zhengao: With a Focus on the Words Youdai and Wudai
SEKI Masumi : Rethinking “Li Bo and Xie Tiao”: The Reception of and Developments in the Line “The Clear River Is as Clean as Silk”
YOSHIKAWA Satoshi : A Change in Tang Poetry: With Reference to the Poems of Li Bo and Du Fu around the Time of the An-Shi Rebellion
MOROTA Tatsumi : The Time and Place of Composition of Bo Juyi’s Poem “Zihui”: His Journey into Exile in Jiangzhou in 815
SAKURAGI Yōko : Yang Guifei and Chang’e in the Play Wutong Yu
ŌGA Akiko : On the Reception of the Western Wing Romance in Ming Literary Fiction: With a Focus on the Discussion in the “Zhong Qing Li Ji”
SATAKA Harune : Attitudinal Expressions to Be Seen in Personal Appellations in the Shuihu Zhuan
IWASAKI Kanako : The Clash between Fate and a Sense of Moral Obligation and Humane Feelings to Be Seen in the Fengshen Yanyi
KIM Dongjin : Lai Zhide’s Theory of Cuozong and Wang Fuzhi’s Theory of Co-establishment of Qian and Kun
KIZU Yūko : “Nagasaki Learning” and Ogyū Sorai: On Methods for Understanding Foreign Languages
IGAWA Yoshitsugu : The Influx of Information about Chinese Philosophy into Europe via Jesuits and Its Repercussions
AOYAMA Daisuke : A Study of Yasui Sokken’s Shosetsu Tekiyō: Characteristics of His Evidential Scholarship
SUGAWARA Yoshino : Entertainment That Is “Understood”: A History of the Origins of Film Explanations

No.69 2017

FUJITA Mamoru : An Examination of the Yaochen Theory in the Yiwei
NAGATA Tomoyuki : Poem Prefaces and Letters: Through a Comparison of Pre-Tang and Tang Poems Presented to Others and Ancient Japanese Literature
UGAJIN Shūichi : The Trajectory of Tao Yuanming’s Reading: With a Focus on the Ji Shengxian Qunfu Lu
NISHIKAWA Yumi: The Distinctive Character of Yu Xin’s Depiction of Northern China and Chang’ an in His Northern Works
USAMI Bunri : Tlie Question of the Sense of Sight in Du Fu’s Poems
KAJITA Shōji : Huang Chang’s Ideas about the Zhouli: With a Focus on His Reception of Wang Anshi’s Zhouli Yi
HIGASHI Hidetoshi : The Dispute between Zhou Bida and Zhu Xi about Fan Zhongyan’s- “Shendao Beiming”:”With Reference to Newly Discovered Letters by Ouyang Xiu
HIROSAWA Yūsuke : The Quanxiang Pinghua and Performative Storytelling with Pictures
UEHARA Kyūichi : Another Version of the Li Zhuowu Xiansheng Piling Xiyoiji: The Revision of the Titles of the Yang Donglai Xiansheng Piping Xiyouji and Yili’an Piping Yuzanji in the Chuanqi Sishizhong
KASAMI Yayoi : Sanctioned Adultery: With a Focus on Ling Mengchu’s Erpai
TAMAKI Naoko : The Feilong Quanzhuan and Descriptions of Martial Arts: The Point of Intersection between Vernacular Fiction and Martial Arts Books
HONMA Tsugihiko : What Is a “Species”? Wang Tingxiang, Zhuzi, and Dai Zhen
OZAKI Jun’ichirō : The Assessment of Cheng Yaotian as a Confiician Scholar and His Methods
ODA Kenta : Huang Jingren and Tang Poetry: With a Focus on His Reception of Li He
HORIKAWA Takashi : General Anthologies and Individual Anthologies in Gozan Literature: With a Focus on Their Compilation
SATŌ Yoshitaka : Knowledge and Practice in the Kaitokudō School
FAN Keren : On the Compilation of the Genkai Kōchū Kohon Seisōki by Tōyama Katō
KATŌ Kuniyasu : The Moralism of a Confucian Scholar in the Bakumatsu Period: A Study of the Former Library of Ōhara Kanzan of Matsuyama Domain in lyo Province
INAMORI Masako : The Compilation of Catalogues of Chinese Popular Fiction by Sun Kaidi and Sino-Japanese Academic Exchange
HANEDA Asako : “Japan” as Portrayed by Mei Niang: In the Splendour of Shōwa Modernism

No.70 2018

SUENAGA Takayasu : On Forking of the Ceremonial Protocol of Rites in the Yili
HAYAKAWA Izumi : The Transmission of the Structure of the Eight Palaces of the Jingshi Yizhuan: With a Focus on the Zhouyi Jijie
FUJITA Mamoru : The Commentaries and Hexagram Images of the Xun Shuang Jiujia Jizhu
SANO Seiko : Lost Anomaly Accounts Quoted in the Section on Gods in Tiandi Ruixiang Zhi 14: The Eight Generals and Kings of the Four Paths
YAMAZAKI Ai : The Loss and Breaking of Hairpins: Changes in Poems about Hairpins from Pre-Qin Times to the Tang Period and the Experiment in the “Song of Everlasting Regret”
TAKEMURA Noriyuki : Views on “Women of Rare Beauty” in the Mid-Tang and the “Regret” of the “Song of Everlasting Regret”
YUHAZU Kazuyori : Xing Bing’s Lunyu Zhushu and its Characteristics
MENG Xianpeng : Huang Tingjian’ s Poems about Ink Paintings of Bamboo
MOCHIZUKI Yūki : Yang Wanli’s Xinxue Lun and His Daoxue Thought
FUKUNAGA Mika : The Significance of the “Weiyang Fengyue” in Ming Editions of the Yangzhou Meng: From the Perspective of the Stetement “Revised by Yang Sheng’an”
ŌTSUKA Hidetaka : The Growth of the Story of the Sanguo Zhi: From Around the Time of the Sanguo Zhi Pinghua to Mao Zonggang’s Edition of the Sanguo Zhi Yanyi
ARATA Motonori : The Theory of Daotong and Daomai in Fei Mi’s Hongdao Shu
YOSHIDA Tsutomu : Liao Ping’s Study of the New Text and Old Text Schools and the Chunqiu Guliang Zhuan
MATSUURA Tsuneo : Yang Yunping: An Old-Fashioned Taiwanese Modernist
FUKUNAGA Haruka : Sexuality in a Modern City in the Case of Mu Shiying and Horiguchi Daigaku: With a Focus on “North Pole, South Pole” and “The Man Who Was Treated as a Plaything”
TAKEDA Yūki : A Reconsideration of Exchange Between Fujiwara Seika and Hayashi Razan: Taking into Account Their Reception of the Zhixin Rilu
LIAO Haihua : Itō Tōgai’s Yijing Studies and Their Characteristics as Seen from the Shūeki Dengi Kōi
MIYAMOTO Haruka : Sawada Issai’s Lectures on the Shuihu Zhuan

No.71 2019

KAMATANI Takeshi : Originality and Imitation: With a Focus on Literary Theory in the Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties
LIN Xiaoguang : The Transformation of “Lisao”-style Rhapsodies in the Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties
HASEGAWA Ryūichi : The View of Human Beings to Be Seen in the Qianfu Lun
ŌTA Itsuku: The Fanqie of the Xuanying Yinyi and Qieyun: An Analysis of Characters Belonging to the Rime Group Xiao 效 in Early Middle Chinese
MIYASHITA Masatoshi : The Possibilities of Interpretations of Li Bai’s Poems: Taking “Two Poems on Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu (2)” as an Example
INOKUCHI Chiyuki : The Aims of Guo Xun, Marquis of Wuding, in Privately Reprinting the Sanguozhi Yanyi and Shuihu Zhuan
NAKAHARA Rie : The 120-Chapter Zhongyi Shuihu Quanzhuan: With a Focus on a Manuscript Edition Held by Suwa City Museum
WANG Wenlu : A Study of the Wuji Tianzhu Zhengjiao Zhenchuan Shilu (1593) Published in Manila: With a Focus on Connections with Contemporaneous Treatises on Catholic Doctrine
NAKATSUKA Ryō : The Fengshen Yanyi in Regional Drama and Developments in the Image of Wen Zhong
NIKAIDŌ Yoshihiro : Buddhist-Daoist Syncretism in the Twenty-four Gods
LIU Silun : The Shouxiange Cangshuzhi and Lu Xinyuan’s Compilation of Book Catalogues
HAYASHI Fumitaka : The Study of Qing Scholarship and Intellectual Thought by Sun Haibo
HAN Shuting : Sakuma Shōzan’s Sōrei Shisetsu: An Example of the Reception of the Jiali in the Bakumatsu Period
SHIMODA Shōhei : A Study of the Influx of Chinese Paintings, Calligraphy and Rubbings into Japan: Starting with the Collector Kikuchi Seidō

No.72 2020

ARIMA Takuya : Ideas about “Change”
SEKI Toshifumi : Wang Sengqian’s Views on Calligraphy: “Assessments” and the Genesis of Calligraphy
WANGSUN Hanzhi : Scholarship on Commentaries in the Early Northern Song: On the Compilation of Xing Bing’s Lunyu Zhengyi
HAYAKAWA Taiki : The Woodpecker in Northern Song Literature: Increasing Depth in Its Connotations
HIGASHI Hidetoshi : A Study of the Jizhou Edition of the Jinti Yuefu
JIN Bonan : Chinese Consciousness of Time as Seen in the Theory about Telling the Time by a Cat’s Eyes
HYŌNO Kazue : The Publishing Activities of Lu Yunlong, the Commentator of the Xingshi Yan, and the Fushe
UEDA Nozomu : The Translation and Publication of the Sanguozhi Yanyi during the Meiji Era
TANAKA Yūta : The Importance Placed on the Poet’s Individuality in Fei Ming’s Tan Xinshi: His Further Development of “Dreams” as Self-Expression
SATŌ Fumiko : The Distant Realms of Feng Zhi: With a Focus on His Prose Collection Shanshui
OGAWA Chikara : The Reverberating Voice of “Chinese Youth”: The Collapse of Ideals in Zhang Ailing’s “Jasmine Tea”
HASHIMOTO Yōsuke : “Sentences Like Flowing Water” in Chinese and Their Rhetorical Characteristics
ŌSHIMA Erika : On Interlinear Glosses in a Gozan Edition of the Shangu Shi Jizhu Held by Iwase Bunko library, Nishio: In Connection with Sinitic Commentaries on Huang Shangu’s Poems
TAKAYAMA Daiki : “Bright-Moon Jade” and Takano Rantei
KURODA Hidenori : The Kaitokudō’s Theory of Governance: Its Connections with the Sorai School in Terms of Intellectual Thought
FU Jiayin : On Matsuzaki Kōdō’s Reception of Tao Yiianming: With a Focus on the Publication of the Sekikyō Sanbō Edition of the Tao Yuanming Wenji

No.73 2021

ITOH Ryo : The “Way” and Ideal Rule in the Case of Wang Bi
KATŌ Satoshi : On Tao Yuanming’s “Twenty Poems after Drinking Wine”: Their Potential as a Series of Poems
JIN Xin : The “Conservatism” of Chen Zi’ang’s Poetry and Its Connections with “Yu Xin’s Style”
LU Xu : From the 15-Volume Collection to the Poetry Volumes of the Boshi changqing ji: Differences in the Editorial Ideas of Bo Juyi and Yuan Zhen
OI Saki : Mei Yaochen’s Poems and the Milieu of Their Composition in the Latter Part of the Qingli Era
WANG Huan : The Transformation of Yipin in Painting Theory of the Northern Song
ISHIKAWA Narihiko : Conversational Scenes in Jin Shengtan’s Edition of the Shuihu Zhuan: With Reference to the Pursuit of Feelings of Being Actually Present and Correspondences between Utterances
SENGOKU Tomoko : “The Principled and Righteous” in the Lienü zhuan yanyi
KANNO Chiaki : “Art” and “Bronze and Stone Inscriptions, Calligraphy, and Painting” in the Case of the Late-Qing National Essence Group: With Reference to Publications of the Society for the Preservation of National Learning and the Cathay Art Union
SHINO Yoshinobu : Zhang Dongsun’s Criticism of the Philosophy of Life
ŌKUBO Hiroko : Yu Dafu’s Concept and Writing of Theory of Literature in the Mid-1920s : With Reference to Yokoyama Yūsaku’s Bungaku gairon and other
FUKUNAGA Haruka : Popular Movements and Scientific Discourse in Zhang Tianyi’s “Honeybees”
DING Yi : The Structure of Qian Zhongshu’s Theory of “Imaginary Colours”: Interaction between Eastern and Western Thought
LU Yingyao : Lines from “Prose Poem on the Dawn” in the Wakan rōeishū and Shinsen rōeishū: Late-Tang Regulated Prose Poems Transmitted in East Asia
LIAO Jiaqi : The Compilation of Toyoda Tenkō’s Seichū shinroku : On the Mito School’s Strategy for “Energizing” People

No.74 2022

KONDŌ Hiroyuki : A Reexamination of Su Qin’s Letters in the Zhanguo congheng jiashu
XIONG Zheng : On the Reception of Yang Zhu’s Thought in Tao Yuanming’s Views on Life and Death
TAMURA Yumie : The Ideas of Wang Anshi and Wang Pang on the Way, Virtue, Inner Nature, and Destiny
MIZUKAMI Masaharu : A Preliminary Study of Evidential Scholarship in the Song Period: On Its Relationship with Qing Evidential Scholarship
MURATA Mayu : “To End Up in a Ditch”: A Preliminary Study of Wen Tianxiang
LI Jiaqiao : An Examination of the Texts of Yuan Variety Plays Included in the Taihe zhengyin pu
TATEBE Ryōhei : From the Exploration of Written Characters to Social Order: Reading Duan Yucai’s “Shuowen xiangzi jie
HUANG Shiqi : The Innovation of “Fallen Flowers”: Wu Mi’s Old-Style Poems up to 1935
LIN Liting : Living in the Post-May Fourth Period: With a Focus on Zhang Henshui’s A Family of Distinction and Fate in Tears and Laughter
DING Yi : Theories about Qi Yun Sheng Dong in China in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
KAWAMOTO Miki : The Discovery of Eileen Chang’s Screenplay Xianggui zhengbazhan
CHEN Lu : The Reception of Neo-Confucianism in Medieval Gozan Temples: With a Focus on Tōgen Zuisen’s Shiki shō
TANG Shuhua : The Translation of Chinese Plays in the Edo Period: On Ransuishi’s Tenshi kochōmu
CHANG Paosan : “Subcommentary-based” Collation in the Shō sho seigi teihon kō kanki and Doku Shō sho chūsho ki Compiled by the Tō hō Bunka Kenkyū jo
KŌNO Kimiko : The Formation of the Peking Humanities Institute’s Library and Chinese Classical Studies

No.75 2023

KAKINUMA Yōhei : The Regional Character of Qin Laws and Rule of“ New Lands”
SENGOKU Tomoko : The Formation of Historical Tales: With a Focus on“ Bao Si of You of Zhou” in Vol. 7 (“The Depraved and Favoured”) of Liu Xiang’s Lienü Zhuan
WATANABE Masatomo : The Rule of Zhangdi of the Later Han and the Imperial Family and Consort Kin
KOGACHI Ryūichi : On the Yijia Mentioned in the Jiang Zhouyi Shulunjia Yi Ji
WU Xi : “Romantic Love” in the Xu Qi Xie Ji: With Reference to Verse in Tales of Divine Maidens
JIN Xin : On “Regulated Poems with Deflected-Tone Rhymes” of the Tang Period
YOSHIOKA Yūma : A Preliminary Investigation of the Laozi Daodejing Yishu from Dunhuang: An Examination of the Influence of Huayan Doctrine and the Background to Its Composition
TANAKA Yasuhiko :The Assessment of the Sun Wu in Shilun by Lü Zuqian
ICHIKI Tsuyuhiko : “That People Learn Is Solely Due to Mind and Principle”:An Exploration of “Principle” in Zhu Xi’s Daxue Huowen
OZAKI Tsutomu : The Rewriting of the Fengshen Yanyi
UEHARA Kyūichi : The Discovery of a Ming Edition of the Xinke Huizheng Shibaguo Doubao Zhuan and Its Significance: Taking into Account the Possibility That There Existed a Tale in the Quanxiang Pinghua Series with Wu Zixu as Its Protagonist
HUANG Shiqi : Wu Mi and the New Ideal on “Wen”: His Views on Language, Style and the Early Twentieth Century Western Language Culture
SONG Xinya : A True Picture of “Sinking-ism”: Anguish, Sympathy, and Taishō Self-cultivation
OGAWA Chikara : A University Tale of Lust and Revolution: The Two Editions of Mao Dun’s The Path
ZHENG Zhou : Inconsistent Women: The “Ashen City” Beijing as Depicted in The Ivory Ring by Lu Yin
KU Hyeju : The Interplay between Sound and the Written Word in Sinitic Literature in Ancient Japan: The Beauty and Transcription of Kundoku
SUZUOKI Takuya : The Method of Studying Chinese Philosophy Seen in Inoue Tetsujirō’s “History of Chinese Philosophy” and Its Significance: With Reference to Laozi and Zhuangzi
ŌNISHI Katsuya : The Modal Particle Yi in Old Chinese

No.76 2024

ZHAO Shan : A Reexamination of Xin Gong Jie in the Baoshan “Divination Documents”
WATANABE Yoshihiro : The Aristocracy and the Five Titular Ranks in the Eastern Jin
ICHIKAWA Momoko : The Inspiration behind Li Boʼs Poem “Setting Out from the City of Baidi Early in the Morning”
NAKAMURA Kōtarō : Mengyingʼs “Stele with Eighteen Styles of Seal Script” and Zhang Huaiguanʼs Shuduan
FUJITA Mamoru : The Formation of Ouyang Xiuʼs Yijing Thought: With a Focus on the “Ten Wings”
ASAMI Yōji : “Arrows”: Through the Poetics of Monk Huihong, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, and the Jiangxi School of Poetry
KAKIUCHI Keiko : A Reconsideration of “Principle Is One” in Neo-Confucianism
MATSUKA Yuko :The Taiping Baojuan and the Xuanjuan of Shaoxing: Words Transmitted in Writing and Words Transmitted Orally
KAYAKI Tōru : A Philosophical Study of Cai Yuandingʼs Lülü Xinshu
NAGAI Moyu : On the Origins of the Final 34 Chapters of the Sui-Tang Yanyi: Through a Comparison with the Zizhi Tongjian
SHIRAISHI Masato : The Views of Duan Yucai and Qian Daxin on How to Interpret the Shuowen Jiezi
SUN Yangyang : The Wings Given to the Xiesheng Pinzi Jian: Its History of Being Read as a Dictionary of “Correct Pronunciation”
MIYAMOTO Haruka : Methods of Writing Chinese Vernacular Fiction: With a Focus on the Baihua Wenji Held by Kansai University Library
QIAO Yaning : Love at Cross-purposes: With a Focus on Romantic Love between Japanese and Chinese as Depicted by Zhang Ziping
TANAKA Yūta : The Dynamism of the Written Word, Scenery, and Remembrance in Part 1 of Bridge by Fei Ming: The Subjectivity of the Protagonist Xiaolin and the Continuity of the Story
UENOHARA Reina : On the Nanpo Bunshū by Bunshi Genshō in the Tamazato Collection
LIU Xinjia : A Study of Nakai Chikuzanʼs Shiritsuchō, with a Focus on Its Historical Significance
YASUHARA DaikiŌNISHI Katsuya : On Jasmine and “Jasmine” Poems in the Maturiʼen School of Poetry: Mori Shuntō, Mori Kainan, and Their Milieu
KINUGAWA Kenji : The History of the Gong’an “Zhaozhouʼs No”